Random Thoughts 10-25-2016

006-2.jpgIn our world there is two kind of strengths within a human, the physical and the mental. The physical has always been celebrated in ancient as well as modern society. Might make right mentality has existed since the dawn of man, though it had its purpose in ancient times since we had to battle not only each other for land and the resources therein we also had to battle the forces of nature and the predators that roamed the lands. Might is not always right, matter of fact it usually it is wrong regardless that it seems to still rule our  world.

Humanity still seems to choose the path of war, hate and fear over the path of peace and mutual co-operation. We rather fight over the remaining resources on our wonderful planet called earth than to share them and work together to find solutions to our current problems. Think what the world could achieve if the Governments would dedicate just half the resources they dedicate to their military to feeding the hungry, healing the sick and finding alternative energy sources that are renewable and less toxic to our home here on earth.

Think what the would happen if people across the world could achieve if they invested all their energy into improving the community and the lives of one another. Too much energy is wasted on fear, mistrust and holding on to hatreds from the past. Can not move forward until you resolve and let go of the past. The day we finally see we are more alike than different and that we all are one species regardless of the differences between us is the day humanity will become the species we are destined to be.

Political Correctness is not the answer that is just refraining from saying what we truly think and feel. The only answer is to change who we are inside, to grow beyond our fears, hatred and distrust of one another. Repressing feelings does not change them, usually it just makes things worse and multiplies their strength. We need to face those feelings and learn to understand them as well as their root. Then overcome them by removing the root cause. Yes easier said than done but very possible, that is one of the wonderful things about humans, we can always change and grow.

In the end it don’t matter who was right or wrong, its more about what is the right thing to do. It does not matter that we think differently, that we look different or we have different beliefs. What matters is every one of us is just as important as the next, we all play a part in this tapestry of life. Think of humanity as one large machine, one that self replicates and changes the landscape of its home. A machine should be designed to work together for a common purpose or goal. At this point in time the machine or the species of humanity is working more against itself than together, though I believe the majority of us desire peace, happiness and the ability to coexist harmoniously. Those in power don’t seem to understand or they are blind to the fact they are walking the path of extinction.

It is time for humanity to wake up, for the those in charge to grow up and focus on the well-being of all humanity not just their own nations or their agendas. Stop the sabre rattling and sit down with each other to find a mutually beneficial path for all the countries and people of the world. Not a one world government but a world full of governments that focus on the wellbeing of all of humanity.  Put away our fears, misunderstandings and distrust of one another. Forgive and forget the mistakes that each side has made and focus on a future where we can avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Do this for yourself, your families and the generations to come, I believe we all want the world to be a better place for our children and the children to come. The survival of the human race hangs in the balance and its up to all of us to make sure we walk the path that will be the best for all of mankind.

Just Some Random Thoughts on a Tuesday Afternoon.

God Bless and Peace
Raymond Barbier