Random thoughts 2-14-2015

I always wonder why that people tend to be so negative in nature when life itself is something of wonder and of beauty. I understand how life tends to throw curve balls at us and how external influences can become roadblocks and pitfalls on our journey through life. Bad and unfortunate events occur, there is little we can do about those kind of things. All we can do is choose to either be someone who reacts to such things or be a person who has learned to act to minimize the negative effects of such. Being reactionary is to let instinct take control and not allow our reasoning skills to figure out the most beneficial action to take in response to the situation.


Being a reactionary type person is basically being someone who leaves most of his or her decisions in life up to chance. Sometimes we only have that choice, but most of the time we do have the choice and ability to reason out a better way to respond to circumstances than just instinctually. Putting it in a nutshell so to speak is to say it is better to think things through than just letting our instincts control our actions and reactions. Step back and look at the whole situation and all the circumstances surrounding it before taking any kind of action. For it is wise to think before you act instead of acting hastily without any thought of both the circumstances and consequences that one could face.


We always must remember that not only our actions can cause us to face consequences but also the words we speak. Responsibility of both our words and actions fall solely on ourselves, the consequences of both are our responsibility as well. In the end we shall face the consequences of our choices, actions and words. Be it through karma, judgement by a supreme being or just plain fate we will face our choices in life. So one would think it would be far wiser to be mindful of what actions and words you choose in life


A few quotes to ponder on…


Think before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. – Napoleon Hill


Think before you act and act on what you believe. – Bo Bennett


Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you spend,earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. – Ernest Hemingway





Random thoughts 2-14-2015 was originally published on Mind Exposure

Random thoughts 2-14-2015

I always wonder why that people tend to be so negative in nature when life itself is something of wonder and of beauty. I understand how life tends to throw curve balls at us and how external influences can become roadblocks and pitfalls on our journey through life. Bad and unfortunate events occur, there is little we can do about those kind of things. All we can do is choose to either be someone who reacts to such things or be a person who has learned to act to minimize the negative effects of such. Being reactionary is to let instinct take control and not allow our reasoning skills to figure out the most beneficial action to take in response to the situation.


Being a reactionary type person is basically being someone who leaves most of his or her decisions in life up to chance. Sometimes we only have that choice, but most of the time we do have the choice and ability to reason out a better way to respond to circumstances than just instinctually. Putting it in a nutshell so to speak is to say it is better to think things through than just letting our instincts control our actions and reactions. Step back and look at the whole situation and all the circumstances surrounding it before taking any kind of action. For it is wise to think before you act instead of acting hastily without any thought of both the circumstances and consequences that one could face.


We always must remember that not only our actions can cause us to face consequences but also the words we speak. Responsibility of both our words and actions fall solely on ourselves, the consequences of both are our responsibility as well. In the end we shall face the consequences of our choices, actions and words. Be it through karma, judgement by a supreme being or just plain fate we will face our choices in life. So one would think it would be far wiser to be mindful of what actions and words you choose in life


A few quotes to ponder on…


Think before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. – Napoleon Hill


Think before you act and act on what you believe. – Bo Bennett


Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you spend,earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. – Ernest Hemingway





Random Thoughts 2-10-2015


There are times in life that you may feel like there’s nothing you can do to change the way things are going. A time in your life that nothing seems to be going your way. So much negativity surrounds you and you just can’t seem to pull your self out of the downward spiral that you’re in. You allow fear, self-doubt and indecision to stand in the way of your happiness as well as the progression of your spiritual growth. When you are immersed in negative emotions and you are blind to the possibilities around you, you fall prey to the belief that there is no hope.

Hope is something one should never lose, for if there is life there is always hope. One thing in life that is constant is change, no matter what one does there is nothing that can stop change from coming to pass. Even though we can not stop change, we do possess the ability to either enact change as well as in guide its course. Knowing that we can change not only our present situation but we can also somewhat guide what our future may contain. Of course we can not predict what external forces may come into play or what circumstances may arise in the future, but we can at least set ourselves onto a better course and possibly change our current destination to one more to our liking.

So no matter what you may be facing in your life at this moment, just remember that you have the power to change it within time. Keeping hope alive within your heart and mind is a must as well as keeping your self in a positive mindset. Do remember as well that relying or leaning on others is not weakness, it is a sign of both maturity and wisdom.

Walk in life with a heart that is open to loving everyone and everything , a closed heart is a dysfunctional heart.

Raymond Barbier

Random Thoughts 2-8-2015

DSC_0430One of the biggest enemies of success and happiness is doubting ourselves and having the lack of confidence in our ability to choose.  Walking through life with fear and without self-confidence makes for a very unhappy life. Without self-confidence we become wandering and unfocused, we have no direction in life.

What creates self-doubt and causes our self-confidence to dissipate? There are internal and external forces that play a part in such, most of the time it is either a period of time that we failed more than we could handle or we were told repeatedly by our peers that we were in some way deficient or inferior to others.

More than likely it was a combination of those two along with other experiences in our lives. I myself had to face my peers being degrading and did not accept me for who I was as a teen and child. As teens humans are quite cruel, though I do not think poorly of any of those whom played a part of such. When you’re a teen there is a lot of pressure to fit in, to be cool and it is when we develop our social skills. It is all part of the process of growing up and finding your place in society.

Regardless of where the self doubting began or how it took root within your mind matters less than how to correct such improper and negative thinking.  First off if you have any anger or hold any grudges against anyone who was a part of the problem, you have to forgive them and let them go in order to release yourself from the negative emotions tied to the experience. Those negative emotions will do nothing but block you from moving forward.

I have found many of those whom were mean or those who acted poorly towards me in my youth grew up to become some of the greatest people one could know. Also sometimes those who we thought were being mean really were nice people who were trying to keep from suffering the same fate as we faced. Fear of rejection or the fear of not being accepted is one of the most common fears among youths and some adults as well.

To rebuild ones confidence is not simple nor is it a quick task to complete. If you have friends and family that are supportive, those in your life that frequently give you praise or show gratitude for your efforts you should surround yourself with those kind of people. You should when possible avoid negative people who tend to bring you down emotionally, especially the ones that try to belittle you. In time once you rebuilt your confidence it wont matter much what others say be it complimentary or demeaning.

In life one must learn that to lean on others is not a sign of weakness but that it is a sign of wisdom. Humanity would have been extinct a long time ago if we didn’t learn to lean on one another and to combine our strengths as a group. Rebuilding confidence is different for each one of us, what works for one may not always work for another. But to seek help is wise and to find your own path is the best way.

I wish you well on your Journey Through Life and I leave you with a Quote from John Donne’s Meditation XVII:

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were: any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.

~John Donne: Meditation XVII

Random thoughts 2/1/2015

014_edited-2Facing the truth when it comes to your own self is one of the hardest things you have to face in life. Accepting that you are not invincible, that in fact you are as vulnerable as everyone else is hard to accept. Though I never thought I was a superman or anything along that lines, I did however believe I was far tougher than I found myself to be.  The human spirit can overcome almost anything that is thrown at it over time but in the end you still suffer the after effects of wrong decisions and unfortunate circumstances.

Strength isn’t as much the physical ability of a person  as it is the mental and/or spiritual fortitude they possess.  Knowing versus actual understanding is two different things as well. But even having understanding is useless if it is not brought to life through application and/or action.  Many of profound ideas and thought have been laid to waste by the lack of someone bringing them to life through action.

So the old adage of putting your money where your mouth is comes to mind as well as practice as you preach.  I say this to myself often now as I grow older, I realize that even though I have greatest of intentions that without putting them into action or living by them they are but pretty thoughts and words.  So I say to you all if you believe in something, have grand and wondrous ideas do not allow them to be laid to waste by inaction.  Don’t let them be nothing more than good intentions that never become a part of reality.


Ray Barbier