Words, Actions,Hypocrisy and being true

Words say so much, they convey thoughts, feelings and bring your ideas to life. Taking the words and making them a part of reality, living by the words, bringing the words to life is part of the cycle. Words without action fall on deaf ears and blind eyes.

Good ideas should be acted upon, wise words should be lived by not just read and casted aside.  Simple sayings such as the golden rule should be a part of your being not just a phrase spouted and put away when it’s not useful for self gain. So many claim to be things in which they may outwardly appear but inwardly are the opposite of. Hypocrisy is rampant in politics, religion and within the fabric of society. Preach one way and walk in another, claim to be one thing while acting the total opposite.

I guess we all are guilty of such things in one way or another in our lifetime. The point is that if you are going to live this life then be open, honest and true to who and what you are. In the end who and what you are shows itself to those around you. There is no hiding who and what you are , well at least not forever.  Stop deceiving others and most of all stop deceiving yourself.

Be true to yourself
Ray Barbier.


Words, Actions,Hypocrisy and being true was originally published on RJB Networks

Random Thoughts 9-17-2015 Post 2

Sometimes life makes us feel insignificant, unnoticed and almost invisible . Our minds get trapped in this belief and self perpetuates the negative mentality. When that happens just shake it off for there is no one exactly like you in all of existence. You are unique, one of a kind so that negative thinking is nothing but your mind failing to see the truth around it. Yes, there are those who wont accept you or like you no matter what you say or do, those people are loosing out on a good opportunity to get to know yet another unique individual. Worry little over such things as if someone likes you or not, just treat others respectfully and be a good person that is what matters in the long run. Popularity may have its perks but they are short-lived just like the social status it brings. No one stays on top for ever so why bother seeking out something so temporary and unimportant. To be honest I believe being popular and in the spot light is far more stressful and problematic than it appears. To always worry about what people think, to have to work at remaining in the social spotlight and denying yourself the pleasure of being who you are for the sake of being popular seems kind of depressing if not plain silly.  If they can not love and accept you as who you truly are then they are not accepting you at all. It’s all an illusion and a fake plastic like reality. Give me being average and my self over being someone I am not just for the sake of being popular any day. Take me as I am or move along, for this is me and that’s all your going to get.

You have to learn to love and accept who you are before you will find those who will do the same.

Ray Barbier


Random Thoughts 9-17-2015 Post 2 was originally published on RJB Networks

Random thoughts 9-17-2015

When you look at the person standing next to you, try to remember they too have problems and situations within their lives. They too have emotions and desire to be happy and successful in life.  When you want to judge others remember to look at yourself first for you have flaws if you want to believe it or not.  The flaw you may point out in the person next to you may be the flaw you hide in yourself.

No one is perfect nor can we all be the same due to the different experiences we have had through our lives. Not everyone can be confident, social or well adjusted. So look beyond the shortcomings in others, accept them for who they are and you might find a diamond in the rough.  We all are human, no one is perfect and we all need each other to survive and thrive.

Ray Barbier

Random thoughts 9-17-2015 was originally published on RJB Networks

Halloween Treats for your ears from Jamendo.


Halloween Treats for your ears from Jamendo. was originally published on RJB Networks

Thanks To all you Dedicated Active World Citizens!

Active worlds Turned 20 years old this year, Aw is more than just a 3D Environment or Chat program. It is a community, a family of sorts. Though sometimes that family can be a tad dysfunctional, usually when they work together they can do some very amazing things. AW has many worlds to offer and each world is unique in their theme and building styles. Though the technology that is used within AW is older than some of the other 3D environments the capabilities is still quite amazing. The AW 3D engine is the same as the one used in the older Grand Theft Auto Games, The flexibility and capabilities of the 3d engine has yet to be fully utilized.

Many of the citizens of Active Worlds dedicate many volunteered hours to improve and / or promote Active worlds. Some even host blogs, websites and even a few Internet Radio Stations that promote AW in one form or another. I am amazed at some of the wonderful builds that citizens make, some builds really push the limits of the Active Worlds platform, others defy any kind of logic but in the end all of them are quite amazing.  This Post is for all of you Citizens that put so many hours into making Active Worlds a better place, be it via building, instructing, helping new citizens or just being a friendly person to chat with.  There are many of us who are thankful for your many hours, days , months and even years of dedication to Active Worlds and its community.

The More you Give to Active Worlds the More you Get out of it!

Build, Be Friendly, Be Helpful and Volunteer if you can to one of the organizations and projects going on in Active Worlds. Don’t be scared to be a part of something as wonderful as our great community within Active Worlds.


Ray Barbier A.K.A. Dovestar.

Thanks To all you Dedicated Active World Citizens! was originally published on RJB Networks

Starting a internet radio station for free

Starting your own internet radio station is pretty simple now days and there are several ways to do so. You can broadcast directly from your pc using shoutcast and winamp, pay for a shoutcast server with a auto DJ and last but not least you can create a free account at radionomy.

In future posts I shall cover more of the other methods of starting a internet radio station, in this post I am going to focus on radionomy. Radionomy is not only a free way to start r listen to internet radio,  Radionomy is now the owner of Shoutcast and Winamp. For a free platform they provide a pretty good scheduling system within their radio manager. You can upload 1000 files to start with for you radio and they also have music available from their own catalog . The best part is Radionomy takes responsibility for the licensing required to be a legal broadcast. That’s right no worries about the copyright police knocking on your door.

“Radionomy is a free groundbreaking platform that is changing the way people from around the world create, discover, and listen to Internet radio. Radionomy provides everyone from artist and celebrities to professional broadcasters and music lovers with the tools and infrastructure to create, broadcast, promote and monetize their own online radio stations completely free of charge”


Click logo above to visit Radionomy.com

Starting a internet radio station for free was originally published on RJB Networks

Jamendo, a great resource

Jamendo , a large Creative Commons Licensed Music warehouse. a Great resource for internet radio broadcasters / D.J.s , they have a multitude of genres to choose from and all of the music is released under one of the creative commons licensing. They also offer commercial licensing for those big companies out there. Most internet radio stations are hobby level and do not generate revenue so they can utilize the music for free as long as they go by the licensing terms. Now for those who just love music and want the mp3s for personal listening Jamendo and the creative commons licensing scheme is just right for you. Most of the music is free to download, burn to cd, load on your mp3 player and give to friends as well. Now I will tell you the Artists on Jamendo may be unsigned and less known but that does not take away from their talent or quality of their music. The nice thing about unsigned and indie bands is they are not influenced by a label / record company. So you get some really unique and awesome music from such bands.

Another Website I shall mention in this post is streamlicensing.com, This site is for those wishing to be a legally ran radio station on line and play Signed artists. This is a affordable alternative to negotiating contracts with such companies as A.S.C.A.P. etc.  Pricing is based on 3 factors, 1. the amount of hours your station is listened to, 2. the amount of Revenue your station generates and 3. the amount of money you spend on the station. So the bigger you get the more youu pay, but most never leave the first level in the pricing scheme. Well until the next time may the music fill your heart and mind.


Sites mentioned in this article:

Jamendo (Click logo to visit site)


StreamLicensing.com (click Logo to visit site)

Jamendo, a great resource was originally published on RJB Networks