How was Halloween invented? Once a Celtic pagan tradition, the holiday has evolved to let kids and adults try on new identities

Kindergarten students in 1952 race out of school in Los Angeles, eager to celebrate Halloween. Los Angeles Examiner/USC Libraries/Corbis via Getty Images

Linus Owens, Middlebury

Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to

How was Halloween invented? – Tillman, age 9, Asheville, North Carolina

“It’s alive!” Dr. Frankenstein cried as his creation stirred to life. But the creature had a life of its own, eventually escaping its creator’s control.

Much like Frankenstein’s monster, traditions are also alive, which means they can change over time or get reinvented. Built from a hodgepodge of diverse parts, Halloween is one such tradition that has been continually reinvented since its ancient origins as a Celtic pagan ceremony. Yet beneath the superhero costumes and bags of candy still beats the heart of the original.

The Celts lived in what’s now Ireland as far back as 500 B.C. They celebrated New Year’s Day on Nov. 1, which they called Samhain. They believed that leading up to the transition to the new year, the door between the worlds of the living and the dead swung open. The souls of the recently dead, previously trapped on Earth, could now pass to the underworld. Since they thought spirits came out after dark, this supernatural activity reached its peak the night before, on Oct. 31.

The Celts invented rituals to protect themselves during this turbulent time. They put on costumes and disguises to fool the spirits. They lit bonfires and stuck candles inside carved turnips – the first jack-o’-lanterns – to scare away any spirits looking for mischief. If all else failed, they carried a pocketful of treats to pay off wayward spirits and send them back on their way to the underworld.

Sound familiar?

Although focused on the dead, Samhain was ultimately for the living, who needed plenty of help of their own when transitioning to the new year. Winter was cold and dark. Food was scarce. Everyone came together for one last bash to break bread, share stories and stand tall against the dead, strengthening community ties at the time they were needed most.

a collection of lit jack-o-lanterns
Ghouls, goblins and glowing jack-o’-lanterns have been synonymous with Halloween for a long time. Erik Freeland/Corbis Historical via Getty Images

When Catholics arrived in Ireland around A.D. 300, they opened another door between worlds, unleashing considerable conflict. They sought to convert the Celts by changing their pagan rituals into Christian holidays. They rechristened Nov. 1 “All Saints Day,” which today remains a celebration of Catholic saints.

But the locals held on to their old beliefs. They believed the dead still wandered the Earth. So the living still dressed in costumes. This activity still took place the night before. It just had a new name to fit the Catholic calendar, “All Hallows Eve,” which is where we got the name Halloween.

Irish immigrants brought Halloween to America in the 1800s while escaping the Great Potato Famine. At first, Irish Halloween celebrations were an oddity, viewed suspiciously by other Americans. As such, Halloween wasn’t celebrated much in America at the time.

As the Irish integrated into American society, Halloween was reinvented again, this time as an all-American celebration. It became a holiday primarily for kids. Its religious overtones faded, with supernatural saints and sinners being replaced by generic ghosts and goblins. Carved turnips gave way to the pumpkins now emblematic of the holiday. Though trick-or-treating resembles ancient traditions like guising, where costumed children went door to door for gifts, it’s actually an American invention, created to entice kids away from rowdy holiday pranks toward more wholesome activities.

Halloween has become a tradition many new immigrants adopt along their journey toward American-ness and is increasingly being exported around the world, with locals reinventing it in new ways to adapt it to their own culture.

postcard of a witch and black cat riding a broomstick
A Halloween postcard circa 1910. Trolley Dodger/Corbis Historical via Getty Images

What’s so special about Halloween is that it turns the world upside down. The dead walk the Earth. Rules are meant to be broken. And kids exercise a lot of power. They decide what costume to wear. They make demands on others by asking for candy. “Trick or treat” is their battle cry. They do things they’d never get away with any other time, but on Halloween, they get to act like adults, trying it on to see how it fits.

Because Halloween allows kids more independence, it’s possible to mark significant life stages through holiday firsts. First Halloween. First Halloween without a parent. First Halloween that’s no longer cool. First Halloween as a parent.

Growing up used to mean growing out of Halloween. But today, young adults seem even more committed to Halloween than kids.

What changed: adults or Halloween? Both.

Caught between childhood and adulthood, today’s young adults find Halloween a perfect match to their struggles to find themselves and make their way in the world. Their participation has reinvented Halloween again, now bigger, more elaborate and more expensive. Yet in becoming an adult celebration, it comes full circle to return to its roots as a holiday celebrated mainly by adults.

Halloween is a living tradition. You wear a costume every year, but you’d never wear the same one. You’ve changed since last year, and your costume reflects that. Halloween is no different. Each year, it’s the same celebration, but it’s also something totally new. In what ways are you already reinventing the Halloween of the future today?

Hello, curious kids! Do you have a question you’d like an expert to answer? Ask an adult to send your question to Please tell us your name, age and the city where you live.

And since curiosity has no age limit – adults, let us know what you’re wondering, too. We won’t be able to answer every question, but we will do our best.

Linus Owens, Associate Professor of Sociology, Middlebury

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Random Thoughts 10-26-2022

Always amazed me how people can find reasons to hate or dislike others much easier than they can find reasons to love one another. Fear plays a big part in that I believe, and fear usually stems from not knowing or a bad experience. Hate either is fueled by fear or taught to us by family or peers.

How can the color of a person’s skin make that person superior or inferior I ask? A human is human no matter what color their skin is and there is no superior or inferior. Why can’t we just respect each other’s decisions on how we want to live our lives, we don’t always have to agree on things or condone the actions of others just accept it is their choice. Unconditional love for one another as one big family called the human race is what we need. Compassion for other people, acceptance of who they are, and unconditional love for all life.

I guess there will always be those that choose to hate and fear, and there will always be those who want to believe they are above or better than other people. One day I hope they become a very small minority and lose their ability to disrupt society and cause harm. All we can do as a society is try to teach our young not to follow such negative narratives and teach them the importance of helping those in need.

Random Thoughts Oct. 23rd, 2022

Life in itself can be quite challenging at times, trying to navigate the pitfalls in relationships and maintaining a certain level of self-respect along with good self-esteem is a hard thing to achieve. Not only do you have to endure the negative comments of peers and family, you also have to keep your own negative thoughts down as you try and keep positive. Some people are fortunate and have a great family and group of friends to help them through it all, but most have a mixed bag of supportive and semi-toxic peers and family.

In my case, I had a supportive mother but my father was not around as much as I needed and when he was he just couldn’t relate to me. My brother was one of those womanizing alpha male types who tried to dominate me and mold me into a younger version of himself. I think both my dad and brother had good intentions in their actions, just they didn’t know how to relate to or deal with me since I was more of a passive easygoing person who had some self-esteem issues.

Photo by SHVETS production on

Low self-esteem and poor self-image plagued me throughout my life. I went through the blaming my dad and brother stage until I realized that I am the one holding on to those feelings and that it was a collection of experiences I went through in life in general that contributed to the problem more than just those two people in my life. In a nutshell, my peers and family may have contributed to my poor self-image and low self-esteem but it is I who held on to it and believed the negative thoughts in my mind.

Relying on others to define your worth through their opinions is one of the key contributors to low self-esteem. Even if you don’t do that consciously, you absorb both the positive and negative opinions of your peers and family. You need to shake off the negative and start re-enforcing the positive by focusing on your positive traits. The sooner you realize you are unique and that you are just as important as everyone else in the world the sooner you will start to heal.

Photo by Moe Magners on

Be yourself, love who you are, and know that you are not lesser than any other person. You may have had different circumstances and have lived in a different environment than others, but you have the same opportunity to change yourself and succeed in life as long as you are willing to work for it. Sometimes you may have to work harder due to circumstances, but if you hang in there and give it your all you can rise above those circumstances. Just remember to be open to others helping you along the way and be there to help others along the way as well.

Comparing yourself to others is not a good way to evaluate your self-worth. Each person is unique and therefore we all will not succeed in the same way or at the same things. Instead of comparing yourself to others, find a person who inspires you, one that you would like to be like,, and strive to be similar to them. You will never be exactly like that person but you will be similar and the differences between you and that person makes you unique.

Photo by Monstera on

Try to avoid defeatism, stop saying you can’t do something until after you have given it your best shot. Too many people will fail at doing something without ever trying because they get stuck in the I can’t do that loop. Change I can’t into let’s see if I can or yes I can do this. You will never know if you can do something until you at least attempt to do it once. It’s far better to fail after giving it your best shot than to not try at all due to your fear of failure.

Being we all are unique and are individuals, how we have to deal with self-esteem and self-worth may vary. In the end, it is all about how you respond to the opinions of others.

Random thoughts on truth, Lies, and modern times.

A lie can appear as a Truth if it is repeatedly told and people either accept it or do nothing to bring it to light. Though a lie can never be the truth, it can be an accepted fact in society even if it is nothing more than an illusion. The reason why we should not be apathetic and allow lies to be left to become illusionary facts. It tends to happen often due to humanity’s tendency to be tribal, that herding / tribalistic nature most of the time hinders one’s ability to think for themselves and gets one caught up in the beliefs of the tribe.

It has been seen throughout humanity’s past in everything from superstition, to religious dogma, and within the political arena. If it wasn’t for free thinkers, rebels against the held beliefs of their times we may have never gotten beyond thinking the earth was flat, the earth is the center of the universe, and so on. Those people did not fall prey to their tribal mentality as much or they found a way to sidestep it completely. They broke through both the lies and misconceptions of the times they lived in.

In modern times it is far easier to deceive multitudes of people due to the invention of television, the radio, and the internet. Recently there has been a great attack on the trust we had in the news agencies we once saw as the guardians of our democracy. They once stood as the pillars of truth and the watchdogs for the civilians and now the major news agencies tend to be more of political propaganda machines. Mixing some news with tons of opinion and conjecture for the sole purpose of swaying viewers to embrace or follow the political agenda of the news organization be it conservative or liberal base.

It is best not to be like sheep and follow any news organiztions political propaganda, it is far better to be a individual that thinks for themselves, questions everything you hear and see. Trust but verify as the old saying goes, never take something at face value. Far as the political issue, their is a need for both liberal and conservitive since too much of one or the other leads to extremes and that tends to cause turmoil in the end. Balance and moderation has worked far better for our democracy all these years than any given time we went to one extreme or another.

The lies will continue as long as humanity exists, but the only way to take down a lie is to seek out and find the truth. Be vigelant and keep your eyes open so you can see beyond what they try to put before you as a distraction. Remeber to question all that you see and hear in these modern times, do your best to follow truth over falling for lies in this life time.