Mind Exposure 2-27-2016

Walking while looking behind you only makes one trip on what’s in front of them. So best to leave the past in the past and focus on what is both immediately in front of you and that which is ahead of you in life. The present is where you should be focusing and never hurts to prepare and plan for the future a bit as well. But just like the past, the future can cause you to miss what is right in front of you.

Celebrate, Embrace and Cherish whom and what you have here and now in your life, for it all can easily slip away in flash. Hold on to who you have to love, let them know how you feel daily, for life is short in time and we should be thankful for the blessings we have.

Mind Exposure 2-27-2016 was originally published on Mind Exposure

Mind Exposure 2-25-2016

Each morning we wake with yet another chance to change our lives and the world we live in. Yesterday and the mistakes made within it are gone, though we still may feel their effects we do have the power to make up for them and choose differently today. Make amends for your past mistakes and move on, for looking backward will only lead to you tripping up in the present.

Now you have awoken to a new day and received yet another chance to get it right, go forward and do so with all your heart and with the best intentions you can muster. For what you do here and now will determine what tomorrow will bring. Make you choices wisely and be not quick to judge others, for we all have fault within ourselves regardless of how hard we strive to be fault free. Look not for fault in yourself or others, instead look for the flicker of hope and goodness within each person you meet. Build upon that which is good and kind within yourself as you do your best to oppress that which is not.

The world revolves around us as a whole, not around us individually. All life is sacred and all of us are equal in the grand scheme of the universe. No part is considered lesser or greater in the eyes of creation, so embrace the part you have and live that part with all of your being. Also remember what part you play today may morph into a new one tomorrow, no path or part is 100% set. That grand randomizing effect of freewill allows each of us to change our paths in life, though it seems a balance is always maintained within change itself.

Walk the path you choose full heartedly and without any doubt, be a force of good and a heart full of compassion and forgiveness.

Ray Barbier

Mind Exposure 2-25-2016 was originally published on Mind Exposure

Mind Exposure 2-21-2016

In life there are many ups and downs, sometimes you may even hit rock bottom and lose all that you had worked so hard to get. It not so much the material possessions themselves but the security you once had that is the greatest loss in such situations. The loss of a place to lay your head down at night and place that you can be at home. Being without a home is not an easy thing at all, though a home is not four walls and a roof either. I myself had experienced living on the streets for a short time, I ate in a soup kitchen or two as well. I was amazed to see how many people did live in the woods and alleyways, I was also astonished by their sense of community within their groups. Tell you, I would not suggest living on the streets for anyone, but it is a humbling and mind sobering experience.

To this day, I truly believe my experiences with being homeless was something that God wanted me to experience, having multiple perspective views on life is a great gift. During this period of time I was homeless I had met some really great people whom just either got dealt a bad hand in life or made one bad choice in their life. Though I doubt any of them will ever see this post I want to say thanks to all of them that helped me during that period for without them  i am not sure if i could have survived during that period of my life.

Well I guess what I am getting at is home isn’t a house, possessions don’t make one happy and the fellowship I found during that period was the  thing that helped me through it all.  Friendship, companionship and family are the greatest treasures we have as humans. Be that the companionship is found with another human or with a furry companion such as a dog or cat.

Any material possession can be replaced but a true friend, companion and family member can not. They are once in a lifetime gifts we receive and because they are we should cherish them greatly.



Mind Exposure 2-21-2016 was originally published on Mind Exposure

Mind Exposure 2-20-2016

In modern society one can easily lose touch with who they are, lose their true identity. With the overwhelming amounts of information, social customs, common core beliefs and experiences going on around a person its hard to hold on to what is truly yourself. Most of us never give our minds a rest from the hectic modern world, our minds become overwhelmed and even somewhat impaired from lack of rest.

Simple things such as camping, hiking and yes even taking a long scenic drive can help relax the mind so can meditation and even listening to some relaxing music. It basically boils down to what they call some ME time, time for you to be alone and let go of the stress of modern society and life. Time to be just yourself and enjoy the simple fact of being alive itself.

Find you the time and find you that special place where you can just sit and relax. Even if it is just on the front porch watching the birds in the trees or feeling the soothing breeze. Its your life, your world to embrace  and  you have the right to be happy within it.

Mind Exposure 2-20-2016 was originally published on Mind Exposure

Mind Exposure 2/11/16

Love, something that everyone seeks and each of us has within ourselves to give. Love is one of those things you must give in order to truly receive and appreciate. Love can not be limited only to those we know or just our family. Love must be unconditionally given and received or it is not love in its truest form. Many religions and philosophies point to the value of love and its necessity in our world. Selfishness, fear and hate seem to be more common place in humanity. Love and compassion are looked down on as if they are properties of the weak and/or meek.

We have a choice to make in our lives, we either can be compassionate, forgiving and loving beings or we can follow the path of greed, anger and fear. One brings you the riches of this world, which is temporary and that can be taken from you by another. The other offers the riches of the heart, which can not be stolen but can be shared freely. Do not get me wrong, we all want nice things and we should have what we need. But to put material possessions above the well-being and happiness of others is selfish.

Love starts within yourself, you must learn to love yourself and others unconditionally and be open to accept the love of others. Get over and let go of this worlds labels that separate us all, for no man nor woman is greater or lesser than another. If we be different in beliefs, sex, nationality or color it is unimportant. We all come into this world the same way and in the end we leave it through the same avenue. We all have hopes, dreams and we also all experience fear, anger and disappointment. The only thing that divides us is the belief we are different. Sure we are diverse in beliefs and looks but the core of each person is the same. We are alive, we are human and we all are in this life together.

Alone one person can make changes in the world, but collectively there is very little that humanity can not achieve and/or overcome. Until we learn to put aside our differences of opinion and beliefs and learn to accept unconditionally those differences we will remain being our own worst enemies.

Mind Exposure 2/11/16 was originally published on Mind Exposure