Random Thoughts on 7/4/2013

HPIM0064We walk through our life half blinded by what we perceive as reality and unaware of the beauty that life and this world has laid before us. Friendships, family and the relationships we have along with the bonds we make within our lifetime are to be cherished. We influence people we meet  directly by being a part of their lives and we can affect others through the footprints we leave. We can also influence one person  who can carry that influence to others. We can also write a blog and through it influence the thoughts of readers and other bloggers. We are far more intertwined as a species than we like to admit.

The words or actions of one can affect so many without even being the intention nor being realized by the person who initiated it all.  Once we realize how much our words and actions can affect and influence others we must face the fact we are responsible for the results brought about by them. We should always be conscious of our actions and words as well as the consequences they can bring. We also should be cautious and conscious of the actions and words of others so we can be in control of what influences us as well. We must not walk through life half blinded and half awake, we should be fully awake and aware of all that is around us. We should be aware of the responsibility of being alive and the consequences of our actions and words. We also should always cherish the life we have been given to live and know it is a blessing.

Be aware, Be Awake and take responsibility for your actions and words. Be thankful and cherish the one life we have to live.

Ray Barbier