And lessons learned

HPIM0285The end of another year approaches, it is time again to look back upon the things we have done , said and were part of. Its time to face the regrets of bad choices and be happy for the choices we were blessed to get right. No regret, just reflection and lessons learned. Life is way too long to have regret or to hold on to it for any length of time. When the clock strikes 12 midnight and the new year begins leave the past year behind and start a new with hope, faith and an optimistic mood. Go forward with no hesitation for the future comes if we want it to or not. Go forward live in the now as who you truly are.

Merry Christmas!!! and a Happy New Year To all

Ray Barbier

Control your path in life

022There are those whom seek out love, acceptance and security in others, this is not a bad thing unless it is the only place you seek and find them. Some people can not find love, acceptance or security within their own being, this seems to create a very bad behavior pattern. They float from one lover to another seeking out what they think will fill the void within themselves. The void is the absence of Self acceptance, self-love and self security, even though we can temporarily fill the void with the love of a lover but it quickly disappears. It takes the love within ourselves to compliment and maintain love between ourselves and another, more or less you can not love someone else fully and completely until you learn to love yourself unconditionally.

We tend to over complicate our lives when it can be so simple and direct, Love thyself in order to love others, have compassion and forgiveness for yourself so that you can do the same for others as well. Shrink that overgrown ego to its natural and original size, for a big and boasting ego is but a mask to hide the insecure being within. Lift your self-image up to where it belongs, for you are as great and as small as any other person in this world. Take the wheel and stop letting circumstances, influences and other people control your path in life. Learn the difference between relying on others and using them as a crutch or a shield.Give and worry not about what you will get in return. Learn to balance the needs and wants of the self with the needs and wants of others. Wake up and live your life and stop walking through it in that semi sedated state in which many of us live in.

I am but a fool who seeks to understand and I find being right is far less important than knowing and finding the truth and It is the journey I see as the prize, not the destination.

Ray Barbier

Another day to be thankful and another day to live

HPIM0252Another day I have been blessed with, another day to be thankful and another day to live. Let those whom have done me wrong know they have forgiveness and let those I have  done wrong find it in their hearts to forgive me of my transgressions. Let my enemies and friends alike find peace and happiness in this world and in their life. May everyone know God’s love as well as the love he gave us to share with one another. Let no one stand in the way of another right to believe or not believe for that is the gift of freewill we have been given. Let us not hate or distrust one another because of our differences. Instead let us see the differences between us as a strength for we can find wisdom in all faiths and beliefs.

Let love, compassion and our ability to be understanding be as our guides in life. Let faith and love overcome our distrust and fear.

Ray Barbier

Be a dreamer, free thinker and free spirit

011living in large  communities and in this so-called modern civilization we are subjected to constant ridicule and supposed social enormities we must follow and conform to in order to be happy or successful. They want us to believe we must conform and obey the social rules of normalcy in order to be happy and a part of the society we live in. Seems to be a dreamer, free-thinker and an individual within this modern world is unwanted and/or looked down upon.

Comply, conform and be like the rest of the people or be looked upon as a fool and or a madman. Be like the rest of us or be an outcast and be the target of ridicule. I say hogwash, hooey and the heck with what is supposed to be the norm and the fences they erected to contain our thoughts and potential as a human being. I am going to be me even if that means being an outcast or that I wont belong to what they call the norm. It was freethinkers and dreamers that have changed the course of this human race a many of times. Some brought peace and others have brought us to a better understanding of the world around us. Several great freethinkers and dreamers even helped create this great nation I live in, the United States.

So one can either follow and be a part of the normal and constrained majority of the modern world or one can be a dreamer, freethinker and free spirit who helps change the world if not just be the alarm clock for those who lay in a sleepless state or normalcy. Be yourself, be true to yourself and do not allow the modern world to hold back the  creative and unique spirit within you.

So what, I am not part of the norm, nor am I a popular person or successful by the measure that the modern world and society has created. I am myself and I am happy being whom I truly am within.

Peace,Freedom of thought and love to all.

Raymond Barbier

We are all different and unique.

pic042learning to accept yourself for the imperfect and unique individual you are is not as difficult as one thinks. Sooner you accept you inability to be perfect and how you are the only person like yourself in all existence, the quicker you see the folly in trying to fit the image of the person you think you must be in order to fit in and be successful. To fit in and to be successful one must be who they truly are or what you may find is a road full of stress and unhappiness ahead of you.

God may have created all of us with equal potential , but he also created us to be individual and unique. Not one person is the same, we are all different and unique. We have similar needs and maybe even wants but we all have different views on life and what makes us happy isn’t always the same. We are not carbon copy drones, we are free thinking individuals with unique personalities. If we completely surrender ourselves to the group mentality we tend to become blind to the fact we are led by equally blind individuals. If we chose not to follow blindly then we become free spirits that can change the course of humanity if not  humanity’s  destiny and/or fate.  There will always be followers and leaders in the world, the thing is that neither have to do so blindly.

Open your eyes and no longer walk blindly through life, be the unique and creative spirit God has made you to be.

Ray Barbier

Realizing the fact we may be alone

EarthEveryday is a new beginning, Every moment is precious in its own way. Every living thing is a miracle as well as precious. Life is not some common thing as we all assume, many planets have the right conditions and still are void of life if not at least complex life. The unlikeliness of a planet being in that sweet spot of perfect sun light and oxygen rich atmosphere along with water is rare. And Sentient life in its self seems at this time to be only indigenous to our planet called earth. This is not to say that there isn’t other inhabited worlds or not , only pointing out what is known to be true at the moment. Of course the odds of other life forms being out there in the universe is a high probability but the chances of that life being sentient and/or intelligent is questionable at least.

Realizing the fact we may be alone in the universe or at least that earth is one of the few miracle planets with complex life forms and sentient beings such as humans as its inhabitants we should cherish life.  We should put aside our petty differences and our different paths of religion and spiritual beliefs along with political views in order to build a better world and global society. We should care for one another and be the caretakers of this precious planet that we live on.

Compassion, Love, Forgiveness and understanding are keys to a better world and a better future for our children. Responsibility and Diplomacy are the keys to better governing and a path to peace if it’s tempered with compassion and forgiveness.

Greed is the seed of most wrong doing in our world.

Ray Barbier

Thoughts on Love and Forgiveness

Rembrandt – “The Return of the Prodigal Son

Love, one of the greatest gifts and blessings God gave us. The love we have for family and friends and the love they have for us as well . The love for our fellow humans and the love we share with all those we interact with. So much we long for and desire, but Love is the grandest prize we can obtain and definitely the greatest gift we can give and/or share.

We were created in Love, we were saved by Gods love and we will in the end bask in his love. We should live this short life full of love and sharing it everywhere we travel. Forgiveness and Love are the two things we have the power to manifest and to spread wherever we go. We should love one another for it is commanded that we do so and it seems to be the most joyful thing we have to do in our lives. To forgive lifts the burden from both the one who forgives and the one that is forgiven.  Love  fills us with light and happiness.

Ray Barbier