Like seeds, like a virus- Random Thoughts – 8/31/2014

The Virgin River Narrows

It seems even though humanity has advanced tremendously in the areas of science and technologies, we still seem as children when it comes to mental , spiritual and emotional growth. We still place blame and fault on external forces for the turmoil and destruction that we created ourselves. Blaming and pointing fingers never solves any issue, only enacting change in oneself and inspiring change in those around us is the only way to change the world we live in. Love, peace, understanding and compassion are like seeds, plant them they grow and then they bear fruit and seeds to spread themselves further. But things such as lust , greed and hate are similar they are like a virus, the quickly spread from person to person. The main difference is fruit nourishes the body, mind and soul when a virus corrupts and eats away at the body, mind and soul.  We can choose to embrace which ever one we desire, but we must know the cost, consequence and reward of each. Good works will not get us to heaven alone, but they are a part of the journey. They are the path towards being the people who God created us to be. But just as the Bible tells us even the wicked do good things for their loved ones and family, so we must take it further. We must be compassionate, loving and kind people towards all things that live and breathe. Be they friend, family, enemy or undesirables. No man or woman is greater or lesser than another and therefore we should love one another unconditionally and without any hesitation.

The things most seek such as wealth, social status, physical beauty are all fleeting and in time shall be as the dust we came from. So what worth should we put upon such temporary things?  On this earth there are many religions and many whom believe not in a God, the gift of freewill made this possible and it is the will of God that we have the choices to believe as we wish. So Spread the Gospel but respect the right of others not to believe or to believe different.  Be at peace with everyone , even those you see as enemies. The compassion you show others will not be forgotten.

It is time for humanity to wake up from its spiritual sleep and become the great family that God intended it to be.

Ray Barbier

Fear, faith and hope–random thoughts 8-30-2014

african-sunset_w725_h483There are those that seek to control others with fear, they for some reason believe that instilling fear in others gives them power. The thing with fear is one can overcome it, learn to channel it and also learn to let it pass through them. The bible teaches us the only one and or thing we must fear is God. No man nor woman can destroy that which god has given you unless it be his will. So learn to replace the fear that other humans try to  instill within you with faith in God and his promises. Whom shall you believe and whom shall you fear is solely your decision, God gave us that power when he gave all of us freewill.

Only God can take away your immortal soul, he is the only one that can give you access to heaven or deny you entrance as well. No man can take away the treasures you stow away in heaven, all a man or woman can do is take away the things of this earth. All things on and in this earth are temporary and no one or thing that is of this earth shall remain past their time allotted by God. So worry little over matters of the world and be as God desires, loving , forgiving and good examples of the children of God we have been created to be.

Fear has no power when confronted with Faith and Hope.

Ray Barbier

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Random Thoughts 8-23-2013

Photographic illustration of a near-death-expe...

We should always express our love, compassion, understanding and kindness towards on another. Life is but a very short but wonderful experience we all have been blessed with. If we do not allow the negative experiences and emotions to become our focus and sidetrack us from our true purpose in life we then have more time to experience the wonder of life itself. When we are young we tend to focus on the wonder and joy of life easily but as we age we lose the ability to quickly recover from a negative experience and sometimes even get stuck in the negative zone. This is probably due to our belief that as adults we have to be in control along with our misconception that happiness is possessions and power. True happiness is found through contentment in what we have and embracing the blessings we have been given. Never take the blessings you have for granted, such as loved ones a job, health and family. Life is unpredictable and short so we should cherish what we have and those we hold dear.

Find contentment in what you have been blessed to have

A Blessed Abbes Receiving the Host from the Ha...

Be humble,gentle and kind. Be at peace with yourself and with all things in your life. Stop wasting time on what ifs and  self-doubt. Life is a gift , but it is one that is short.  put more effort in to loving and enjoying the company of those you have been blessed to have as friends on your life’s path. All the riches and possessions in the world can not replace the love of a family member or good friend.


Find contentment in what you have been blessed to have and fall not to envy or greed. Be content and thankful for what you have , for you could have far less. Always strive to better your life , but do so humbly and not for self-satisfaction.  To see yourself superior or more important than another is also saying you are above that which god has made you. For god made all of us equal, Christ through his sacrifice made us all equal in grace. Christ taught that you can only serve one master at a time, so by serving yourself you do not serve God. Reason one should be humble and  be content so not to serve yourself in order to serve God wholeheartedly.


Be peaceful, humble, compassionate and full of love.  Sow that which you desire to reap.

Ray Barbier

Random thoughts 8-15-2014

008Sometimes we seem to forget how wonderful of  gift life is, we sometimes take life for granted. Thing about life is for us humans it’s not long nor is it guaranteed to be trouble-free. So we have good days, bad days and sometimes days that are unforgettable. In life we have the blessing of family and good friends, one you can not choose and the other you can not deny. Family is never perfect but you love them and they you in the end. Friends are either close or distant but both are there to help you along in life and there for you to share life with. Eventually from your friends you find a soul mate or partner to go through life with.

All the wonder and imagination we had as children doesn’t go away it just gets toned down or put away as we get older in order to fit in to society. We sacrifice some of the greatest qualities within us to be a part of society unfortunately. We hide them, put them away or tone them down to almost non-existent in order to keep from being a social outcast.

We go from innocent beings of wonder and imagination to beings of order and conformity. We sacrifice that which makes us wonderful in order to gain possessions, fame or at least acceptance by the whole. Individuality is becoming a thing of the past, more and more it seems individuality is labeled as antisocial or undesirable behavior by modern society. The interesting part of this is that most of the men and women that have changed the world through science, invention and ideals were those that society wouldn’t have embraced. They were in one way or another eccentric or nonconformist. Freewill, free thought and the freedom to be ones true self are keys to having a creative and ever-changing society.

one’s life is but a drop of water in the infinite wellspring of time, so be your true self, do not waste time being someone who you are not. Embrace the better qualities within yourself and care not about acceptance or rejection.  For acceptance and rejection both are part of life, neither makes any difference to who you are or what you can do.


Live free, live compassionately and do all you do with passion. Be yourself for you are the only person like yourself, a one of a kind.

Ray Barbier

foolishness disguised as principles and pride

IMG_1371I walk the path of life as a believer in Christ, but I do not walk the path of life with hatred or prejudice. I believe in each persons right to believe in whichever God they wish and their right to believe in none. This is called freewill and freedom of thought, no man has a right to take away this from another. We can live in peace and learn to accept the differences in each of our beliefs. I do not see myself as greater nor lesser than any other human being therefore I see all of us as equals.

I also believe wisdom has no preference of where it comes from as long as it is utilized and shared. Great people have had great wisdom from many nationalities, religions,philosophies and genders.  To reject wisdom based on its origin is foolishness disguised as principles and/or pride.

I am but a fool who seeks to be wise, yet in all my foolishness, I am wise enough to see I have plenty left to learn and that this journey has just begun. What wisdom I have, I try to share.  but I am wise enough to know that I am often wrong. It’s all a part of the learning process within life.

I walk my path as I believe and I do so with an extended hand of friendship to all regardless of any differences that we may have.
Ray Barbier

Random Thoughts–Wednesday Aug 6, 2014

002When we  are young everything id new and we stand in amazement to all the wonders of the world we live in and experience.  Then slowly the world we live in begins to lose its wonder or luster and we become slaves to both what our parents taught us and that which we have learned by experience.  Our imagination stays as we age but our ability to play within it is either lost or repressed due to our desire to fit in and be a part of the norm. We slowly put away and suppress the child within us, the part of us that found wonder and excitement within all things around us.

When we suppress the child within us we lock away the side of us that is hopeful, creative and the side that knows how to have fun in life.  Out of fear or out of the misguided belief one must kill the child within in order to be civilized and responsible we become not older but emotionally colder. We shut down the unconditional fun-loving heart full child god made  us.

Yes we must put away childish things but we do not have to put away the part of the child within us that makes us who we are. Innocence does have to leave us for that is the nature of the world, we do have to be responsible, but this does not mean we can not be loving, caring,curious,creative and fun-loving like we were as children.

It is the child within us that loves life, it is the side that sees life is a blessing and full of wonder and which is thankful for the gift of life. So be the responsible adult who can see the world through a child’s eyes and love life and others through a heart like that of a child’s.

Ray Barbier