Feeling free to be who you truly are.

010Sometimes Happiness is nothing more than feeling free to be who you truly are. Being free of worry and fear of judgment by others. Being myself with no regards to what others may think allows me to enjoy my day. Seems also when I allow my true self to appear I don’t seem as critical or cynical  of myself or others. Such a weight lifted on the days I let my true self come out to play.

This world and modern society puts way too much restriction on how we must behave and be to belong or fit in. This puts such a burden on the backs of those whom are not the norm and even on those that conform.

Be yourself and not that what others expect or want you to be. To pretend to be whom you are not for the sake of conformity is but a dark and dreary way to exist.  The Love and happiness within you multiplies exponentially when you live as the person who you truly are.

Be true to yourself and cherish  each moment of every day.
Ray Barbier

Thoughts and ponderings on 10/28/2013

"I Got Mine"

Selfishness, Something we all suffer with and are affected by in one way or another. Being selfish is second nature to human beings, our self-awareness makes it so easy to focus on ourselves and less on those around us. We have to have some actions and thoughts focused solely on ourselves to survive and live  within this world, it  is the lack of selflessness  and love for others that is the main problem. The less we focus on the wellbeing of others the more self-centered and selfish we become. No matter how much we lie to ourselves and believe this world was made just for us alone and that things should be as we alone see as right, the fact that the world is and life is a shared experience can not be denied.

Simply put, we are all in this together and the more we see this truth and work together to have a peaceful existence the better off we all are. Regardless of our differences in culture,beliefs and personal opinions we all are basically the same. We all need food, shelter and decent standard of living to be happy and healthy. Unfortunately the balance of wealth and standards of living are out of whack, so few have far more than they need and so many are left wanting at the roadside of life.  Forcing the wealthy to give up what they have for the sake of others is not the answer, forcing something only causes resentment and leaves them seeking ways around doing so. The best method is trying to change their heart and mindset, help them see the benefits of being charitable and in being compassionate to their fellow humans. Either way you go more than likely the divide between the  haves and have not’s will remain quite large.

We should focus on helping one another and not on who has more to give and who don’t. If enough of us work together to make a change in the balance of wealth and living standards we can make a difference if not start to tip the scales towards a more equal distribution. Even in countries where the governments tend to stand in the way of an equal and balanced standard of living there is hope if the citizens work together. The bottom line is, To change the world we must first change the hearts and mindsets of those in power and those who have the resources. Without that, we still can achieve change but it will be a long and painful road to travel.

War is not an answer to any situation, Diplomacy only works if it is sincere and both sides are willing to sacrifice for the good of the many. Peace is not the result of war but the lack of war.

Raymond Barbier