Category Archives: Poems and Writings

I am human, imperfect but free.

We dwell in the now, but the past casts its shadow.
Our choices and faces still weigh on our hearts.
Our errors have taught us, but also have scarred us.
Our lost loves still haunt us and tear us apart.
They all serve to warn us of repeating our failures.
But sometimes they seem to just cause us more pain.
They will fade as we learn to forgive our own blunders.
And heal the deep wounds that we carry within

I find it much simpler to pardon another.
Than to grant myself mercy for what I have done
But I do learn to let go of my guilt and my sorrow.
For if not, I would hurt myself and everyone.
It is not an easy task to forgive one’s own self.
But it is not beyond reach for a mortal like me.
I must remember that I am not alone in my faults.
And that I am human, imperfect but free.

Random Thoughts 1-4-24

When one becomes consumed with self-interest, self-absorption, and an exclusive focus on the self, all the love and joy that comes from sharing and caring for others is shut out. It is inherent in human nature to be social, and when attention is directed towards family, community, and the welfare of all living beings, our species radiates brightly. Humans possess the ability to either devastate or foster the world around them.

Behold, a great multitude succumb to the temptations of avarice, self-indulgence, and carnal desires, making them the paramount pursuits while giving scant regard to the welfare of their brethren. Possessions, transient in nature, are bound to slip from their grasp; fleeting is the pleasure derived from lust, and self-indulgence often proves to be naught but a transitory solace for the pangs of desolation and want. These pursuits cater solely to the individual, and in the denouement, prove to be more injurious than beneficial.

Helping others constitutes a means of benefiting not only humankind at large, but also the self. Indeed, that which aids the community oftentimes reciprocates by aiding the individual. Even in circumstances where no direct advantage may be discerned in extending a helping hand, one nonetheless derives a profound sense of contentment from witnessing the prosperity of others. Compassion, love, and empathy are not indicative of frailty, but rather, they exemplify an innate fortitude.

Which path you choose to follow in this life is solely your decision; how you are perceived and memorialized upon departing this celestial sphere will be the consequence thereof. As for myself, I fail to discern how riches, belongings, and fleeting joys shall avail me in the end. Should an afterlife exist, wealth and possessions will hold no sway, while those whom you have aided will stand as witnesses to your benevolence.

In the ultimate denouement, it is understood that within us all resides a propensity for avarice, egocentricity, and earthly desires. It is paramount for us to direct our attention towards the degree of importance we assign to these inclinations. As inhabitants of this earthly existence, we are unified in traversing the celestial sphere, adrift in the boundless continuum of existence. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to offer unwavering support to our fellow voyagers and endeavor to ensure that our collective journey is one of unparalleled jubilation and felicity.

In Conclusion

In the vast tapestry of human existence, the dichotomy between self-absorption and altruism continues to shape the destiny of individuals and civilizations alike. As we navigate the boundless continuum of existence, we are presented with the profound choice between nurturing our inherent propensity for avarice and earthly desires, or embracing the timeless virtues of compassion, empathy, and selfless dedication to the welfare of all living beings. The path we traverse and the legacy we leave behind are undeniably intertwined with this fundamental decision.

It is incumbent upon each soul to reflect upon the ultimate denouement and consider the enduring impact of their actions. For in the grand theater of life, it is not the transient allure of possessions or fleeting pleasures that shall render solace in the end, but rather the reverberating echoes of benevolence and the enduring legacy of selfless contribution to the collective journey of humanity. As we stand at the threshold of our existence, let us heed the call to embrace the profound interconnectedness of our shared voyage, and in doing so, illuminate the path with unparalleled jubilation and felicity for all.

Some Thoughts on life and being yourself

As we age, we may experience the loss of loved ones and our social circle may shrink. It can be challenging to find and maintain friendships. However, it is important to remember that life is no more complicated than it was when we were children. We just have more self-imposed rules and knowledge of how things appear to work.

Many of us stop having fun and being silly due to our fear of being judged by society. Age sometimes brings fear instead of wisdom, and that is something we all have to deal with to one degree or another. We learn to fear the judgment of others through our youth, we reign in parts of our personality in order to conform to what society dictates as normal or we follow the behavior patterns of those who appear popular in hopes of being popular ourselves.

However, as we age, we may get over wanting to be popular, but a good portion of us still crave to be accepted and liked. If we are fortunate, we may have grown wise enough to realize it is far better to be liked and accepted for who we truly are than to be behind a mask or playing a role. The thing is, we may not always be accepted by all. But we will always find a group of people who will like us and accept us regardless of whether we fit in society’s dictation of what is normal or popular or not.

The phrase “Be yourself” is an old but true adage that should be adhered to in life. Each one of us is unique, and those differences are what makes humanity capable of achieving such great things. To suppress the uniqueness within yourself is to hinder yourself from growing and moving forward in life. If you feel like you don’t know who you are, try thinking about what you like and dislike doing when you’re alone. The things you do or don’t do when no one is looking are the basics of who you are.

The key to showing that person off to others is to be okay with the fact that some people aren’t going to like it or understand it. Essentially, we hide our personalities because we’re fearful of others mocking us for it. We don’t want to be judged harshly. But the thing is, that doesn’t have to stop you from feeling good about who you are. That’s essentially what the people around you that you feel a need to impress are doing.

So if they can do it, why can’t you do it too? So what if you don’t live up to society’s expectations and do what everyone else is doing. It’s better than living a life that isn’t true to who you are and makes you unhappy. Be inspired and motivated to be true to the person you know yourself to be.

Cherishing Life and Love: A Reflection on Loss and Gratitude

With the deaths of my mother-in-law and sister-in-law all in the past week, it brings to mind the fragility and uncertainty of life. Life is not guaranteed beyond the moment you are in, and due to that fact, we should never take life or those in our lives for granted. We should love one another full-heartedly and unconditionally, and live in the moment and not in the past.

Life is fleeting and unpredictable. It’s important to cherish every moment we have with those we love. We should focus on the positive aspects of life, such as love, compassion, forgiveness, and friendship. These are the things that truly matter and make life worth living. Kindness and tolerance are also essential in today’s world, where differences can often divide us. We should strive to find common ground and celebrate our similarities, rather than focusing on our differences. By embracing these values, we can create a more loving and harmonious world.

Let us love one another, take care of each other, and be charitable to those who are less fortunate in this world. Let us be stewards of this world we live in, ambassadors for peace, and caregivers for those in need. Let us be thankful for each day, and show kindness to all we meet in life. By embracing these values, we can create a more loving and harmonious world.

God Bless

The Journey to Self Improvement.

I fight the inner demon of despair that haunts me every day. It feeds on the hurtful echoes of past hurts that scarred me deeply. I struggle to apply reason and logic to deal with the messy and twisted memories of the past that torment me. My self-image and self-esteem are often assaulted by self-hatred that comes from the circumstances and judgments of others in my past that made me feel unworthy and inadequate.

I wonder how I allowed such a strong enemy to enter my mind and take over my emotions and self-worth. How did I let it convince me that I am not good enough or deserving of happiness? I have achieved some goals in managing that darker side of myself, but I still have a long and hard journey ahead to find peace with myself and who I am. I still have to overcome many obstacles and challenges that test my resilience and courage.

I have to face it every day and every step until I can finally bury it for good. Each negative thought I have to challenge and scrutinize with courage, bringing out the truth and showing that most of those negative thoughts are false and have no proof to support them. I have to expose the lies and distortions that the inner demon tries to make me believe.

I am not faultless, but I am not a bad person either. I have to recognize my faults but also celebrate my good qualities. I have to acknowledge my mistakes but also learn from them. I have to remember that I am not alone in facing such things, almost everyone has that darker side trying to pull them down. But I also have a brighter side that shines with hope and kindness.

I embrace the opportunities I have to grow within myself, and I feel hopeful and optimistic because of the love of my friends and the tools I have acquired to handle that part of me. The key is to maintain a positive outlook and to appreciate the people who are with me in my journey of life. I have been overcoming this for a long time, and even though I have faced some difficulties, I have also achieved many successes.

Be Kind to yourself and others, and seek that which heals and creates while avoiding that which destroys.

Don’t Be Cruel to Others, Be Kind and Compassionate

We all have a choice in how we treat others. We can be kind and compassionate, or we can be cruel and mean. The way we treat others reflects the way we feel about ourselves. If we are happy and confident, we will spread joy and love. If we are unhappy and insecure, we will spread misery and hate.

Some people choose to be cruel to others because they enjoy seeing them suffer. They may laugh at their pain, mock their weakness, or even hurt them on purpose. These people are called sadists, and they have a dark side to their personality. They get pleasure from causing or witnessing harm to others, and they don’t care about the consequences.

Being hateful and hurtful all the time is not normal or healthy. People who are like that have a problem that needs to be addressed. They may be suffering from low self-esteem, addiction, or mental illness. They may have been hurt or abused in the past, and they are trying to cope with their emotions in a destructive way. They need help to heal their wounds and find a better way of living.

Being Hateful and hurtful is not something to be proud of or celebrate. It is something to be ashamed of and avoid. It is immature and mean. It does not make anyone happy or fulfilled. It only creates more pain and suffering in the world.

We should all strive to be kind and compassionate to others, not cruel and mean. We should empathize with their feelings, respect their dignity, and help them when they need it. We should treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. We should remember that we are all human beings, with hopes and dreams, fears and flaws, joys and sorrows.

Kindness and compassion are the signs of maturity and wisdom. They are the sources of happiness and peace. They are the gifts that we can give to ourselves and others. They are the ways that we can make this world a better place for everyone.

Don’t be cruel to others, be kind and compassionate. You will be happier and healthier for it.

Your thoughts, your words, and your actions are what define you.

I know I am not the best writer on the block, but I do the best I can and do it because it is what is within my heart to do. I do not write for likes or fame, I write to express my views and the feelings I have. Sharing what I have learned and what I am yet to learn in this journey of life. I only hope it helps someone to find their own answers to the questions they have in life.

Each person needs to seek out their own answers, it is a personal journey we all are on in life. We can find hints and keys to the answers from others but we must find the correct answers for ourselves. So always be objective and open-minded when reading or hearing other people’s concepts of truth or wisdom. Never follow anyone or anything blindly.

Out of all the things we experience and have in life, your thoughts, your words, and your actions are what define you. The rest of the stuff is but window dressing and speed bumps on the road of life. So always think before you speak or act and try to minimize any negative thinking.

If you have passion and basic writing skills, blog or write a book about your thoughts and feelings. If you are more the Vocal type do podcasts or youtube videos. Don’t Do it for the money or the fame, do it for your passion and to help others, my friends. Not saying you should turn the money down if it is to come your way, Just make it a lower priority.

Well, I wish you luck on your journey through life, may you learn and share much with others in your lifetime.

Embracing Inclusiveness, Compassion, and Tolerance: Building a More Loving and Accepting World

Greetings, my friends,

Today, I want to talk about three essential values that can transform our society and create a more compassionate and inclusive world. These values are inclusiveness, compassion, and tolerance, and they are the building blocks of a harmonious and thriving society.

Inclusiveness means embracing diversity and recognizing that each person has a unique and valuable contribution to make. We live in a world filled with different cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds, and when we embrace this diversity, we create a sense of belonging for all. When we are inclusive, we uplift each other and foster a spirit of unity.

Compassion is about empathy and kindness. We all experience hardships and difficulties in our lives, and when we show compassion to those who are struggling, we help them to feel supported and understood. Let us never forget that everyone is fighting their own battle, and a little kindness can make all the difference.

Tolerance is about respecting and accepting others, even when we disagree with them. We all have different opinions and beliefs, but when we approach each other with an open mind and heart, we can learn and grow from each other. Tolerance means recognizing that every person is valuable and deserving of respect, regardless of their differences.

In our fast-paced and often self-centered world, it can be easy to forget the importance of inclusiveness, compassion, and tolerance. But if we want to build a better world, we must embrace these values with all our hearts. Let us see the goodness in others and work towards creating a more harmonious and loving world.

May we all strive to live with an inclusive, compassionate, and tolerant spirit. Let us spread love, joy, and peace wherever we go.

In conclusion, the values of inclusiveness, compassion, and tolerance are essential for building a healthy and harmonious society. By embracing diversity, showing kindness and empathy towards others, and accepting and respecting others, we can create a more loving and accepting world. Let us remember the Bible verses that remind us of the importance of these values and strive to live with an inclusive, compassionate, and tolerant spirit. May we all work towards building a world where everyone feels valued and appreciated, and where love and kindness are the guiding principles.

Now that we have reflected on the importance of inclusiveness, compassion, and tolerance, it is time for us to take action. Let us commit ourselves to practicing these values in our daily lives and in our interactions with others.

Let us challenge ourselves to be more inclusive, to listen to those who have different perspectives, and to learn from them. Let us show compassion to those who are struggling and offer them support and encouragement. And let us practice tolerance by accepting and respecting others, even when we disagree with them.

We can also take action by advocating for these values in our communities and workplaces. We can encourage others to embrace diversity and create a culture of compassion and acceptance. By working together, we can make a difference and create a more inclusive and tolerant world for all.

So let us go forth from here with a renewed commitment to inclusiveness, compassion, and tolerance. Let us be the change we want to see in the world and work towards building a better future for ourselves and for future generations.

Here are a few Bible verses that relate to inclusiveness, compassion, and tolerance


  • Galatians 3:28 – “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you, are all one in Christ Jesus.”
  • Romans 10:12 – “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him.”


  • Ephesians 4:32 – “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
  • Colossians 3:12 – “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”


  • Matthew 5:44 – “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
  • Romans 12:18 – “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”

These verses remind us of the importance of treating others with love, respect, and kindness, regardless of their differences or beliefs. Let us hold these values close to our hearts as we strive to create a more inclusive, compassionate, and tolerant world.

Blessings to you all, and may your heart guide you through this life.

How to Find Your Passion and Turn It Into a Career

We all have dreams and aspirations in life. We all want to do something that makes us happy and fulfilled. We all want to make a difference in the world. But how do we find our passion and turn it into a career?

Many people struggle with this question. They feel stuck in a job that doesn’t suit them. They feel bored and unchallenged. They feel like they’re wasting their time and potential. They feel like they’re living someone else’s life.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can find your passion and turn it into a career. You can do something that you love and get paid for it. You can create your own destiny and live your own life.

But how do you do that? How do you find your passion and turn it into a career? Well, there’s no magic formula or easy answer. It’s a process that requires some exploration, discovery, and experimentation. It’s a journey that takes some time and effort. But it’s worth it.

In this blog post, I’ll share with you some tips on how to find your passion and turn it into a career. These tips are based on my own experience and research. They’re not definitive or absolute. They’re just suggestions that might help you along the way.

Tip #1: Explore Your Interests

The first tip is to explore your interests. What are the things that you enjoy doing in your spare time? What are the topics that you’re curious about? What are the skills that you want to learn or improve?

These are clues to your passion. They’re indicators of what makes you happy and excited. They’re signs of what you’re naturally good at or drawn to.

So make a list of all the things that interest you, no matter how big or small. Don’t limit yourself by thinking about what’s realistic or profitable. Just write down everything that comes to your mind.

Then, try to find ways to pursue these interests. You can take online courses, read books, watch videos, join communities, attend events, volunteer, or do anything else that helps you learn more about your interests. The more you explore, the more you’ll discover what you’re passionate about.

Tip #2: Identify Your Strengths

The second tip is to identify your strengths. What are the things that you’re good at? What are the talents that you have? What are the compliments that you receive from others?

These are clues to your passion too. They’re indicators of what makes you confident and competent. They’re signs of what you can offer to the world.

So make a list of all the things that you’re good at, no matter how big or small. Don’t be modest or self-critical. Just write down everything that comes to your mind.

Then, try to find ways to use these strengths. You can offer your services, create a portfolio, start a blog, join a team, or do anything else that helps you showcase your strengths. The more you use them, the more you’ll develop your confidence and competence.

Tip #3: Experiment with Different Options

The third tip is to experiment with different options. What are the possible ways that you can turn your passion into a career? What are the opportunities that are available to you? What are the risks and rewards of each option?

These are clues to your passion as well. They’re indicators of what makes you challenged and satisfied. They’re signs of what you can achieve in life.

So make a list of all the possible options that you can think of, no matter how big or small. Don’t be afraid or hesitant. Just write down everything that comes to your mind.

Then, try to test these options. You can do research, conduct interviews, take internships, start side projects, or do anything else that helps you validate these options. The more you test them, the more you’ll learn what works and what doesn’t.

Finding your passion and turning it into a career is not a one-time event. It’s a process of exploration, discovery, and experimentation. It may take some time and effort, but it’s worth it.

Because when you find your passion and turn it into a career, you’ll be happier and more successful in life.

You’ll be doing something that you love and love what you do.

You’ll be creating your own destiny and living your own life.

And that’s what life is all about

Will we move forward or will we move backward in our society?

Children are exploited and forced to work jobs that are dangerous and should only be worked by adults. A sheriff and others spouting racist remarks and talking of murder or assassination of a reporter. Immigration problems and mass shootings are being sidelined for partisan politics and profit.

Ukraine, Russia, and China being a thorns in the side of the West, a battle of powers for what each side thinks is right. Countries raising the age for retirement which only adds to the suffering of the older population. Taxation is geared to make the working class shoulder the burden as the wealthy pay less.

Once again a security leak puts many in danger and all for an ego boost for a lost young soldier. We suffer severe weather, yet there is still disbelief in global warming and the science behind it. Book banning brings back fears of censorship and information control. The freedoms and rights of one group are attacked for the fears of another.

Compromises are rare due to the polarization of politics and the partisan agenda of both parties. Moderates of both parties are becoming rare and those who are moderate, keep quiet as the political divide grows. It is a time of rebirth it seems, and with birth comes great pain and disturbances.

The question is, Which way will humanity go? Will they seek out the path of inclusion and progress or one of status quo and stagnation? Will we move forward or will we move backward in our society? Can we come together for the betterment of all humanity or will we fall apart as a society?

The choice is in each individual’s hands and it is something we all have to take part in. Raise your voice to be heard and let your vision of what our future should look like be heard. Silence only allows others to make the choices that you will have to live with.

Be heard, be seen, and be open to compromise and new ideas my friends. Grow as an individual and contribute to the growth of the world and society we live in.