Random Thoughts on 10/22/2014

003We face so many trials in life and many pitfalls fill our path in life. The modern world is good at distracting us, it keeps our minds so full of random information  and it fills  our eyes with intense stimuli. All this to keep us from being focused on the real issues before us and to keep us too busy to notice what is really going on around us.  Seems we rather look at the pretty lights sometimes than to see the problems right in front of us. Sometimes we ignore the problems in hopes that they will go away or fix themselves. Well unfortunately they don’t fix themselves or go away they either turn into different problems or they remain a problem.

We must face our problems be they personal, community or global in nature. We need to focus more on life than on the distractions this world throws at us.  All life has value, we all are unique and important and we all play a part in this world if we want to accept it or not. No ones voice is less important nor is anyone’s voice more important than another’s. We all have emotions, thought and are a part of the tapestry that is life. The illusion of superiority or inferiority are but stumbling blocks on  our path to spiritual growth.

Between distractions of the modern world, fear and our illusive belief  in that individuals have different levels of worth in life, we have been blinded to the truth. We fall prey to being judgmental and accepting the judgments of our peers. We do not need to judge one another, we are here to have fellowship, companionship and aid one another through life.  We all have shortcomings and we all also have good points as well as blessings. No one is different in that respect, we all face life and its roller coaster of change and unexpected events.

Such old adages as Know thyself and to one’s self be true are concepts that still ring true in the modern world. I say be yourself and love who you are, love others without judgment and be true to yourself and to others. Honesty and compassion are both good qualities found in humanity and are cornerstones to a better society.

Well enough of my totally random thoughts for today, God bless and may you find happiness within who and what you are.

Ray Barbier

keep our hands on the rudder and learn to live in the here and now.

IMG_1276There are times when I feel like I’m on a boat floating down a turbulent stream. The Present rapidly turning into the past and the future always being the present. By the time I get a chance to glance at the shore line beside me it’s already behind me and what is ahead goes by me too fast for me to enjoy. We travel through time in one direction and at a pretty good speed. Though it may seem too fast at times I have learned to cherish the moment at hand far more than the moments gone or yet to be had.

There are times I look backward too long and miss the present and I find myself missing the wondrous things the present had in store for me. Other times I had looked too far ahead and found my course had been altered by the streams current. I have learned to cherish the moment at hand and focus on today and keep my hand on the rudder at all times. I no longer linger in the past nor do I worry about the future like I used to. I still plan for the future and remember the lessons of the past though. I just don’t let them get in the way of living my life or experiencing the here and now.

We all are time travelers, Traveling through the present into the future at a pretty good pace. We must keep our hands on the rudder and learn to live in the here and now. Worry not about the future it will become what we make of it in the present and worry not of the past for it has long been gone.

Raymond Barbier

Get back on the Track

KIDS0060  Sometimes I think we all get too wrapped up in our own lives and the problems we are facing. We get to the point we become self-defeating and we become stuck in a loop. We can not go forward because we are too focused on what is behind us and what might be far ahead of us. Our focus should be on the moment before us and the past needs to be left behind us. Living in the past keeps one from moving forward and/or growing mentally,emotionally and spiritually.

When we get in such a place in our lives we become like a model train that got off the tracks, we get stuck in one place spinning our wheels. So in times like these we need to get back on the track and moving forward. There is so many reasons why we could become derailed in life and only a few ways to get back on the track. Forgiveness of others and yourself is one of the important steps, usually we get stuck in the past due to mistakes by ourselves or others and until we can let go of those mistakes and forgive the one that had committed it  that we  stay derailed and motionless..Understanding is one of the keys to forgiveness, if you try to see things from the other persons perspective and try to mentally  envision yourself in their shoes you may get a glimpse into the reasons why they did what they did.

We all are human, we all make poor choices and most of us go through times in our lives we become bitter and allow hate to control our actions. We all have those moments of weakness  and times when we act before we think.. Each and every one of us have problems, burdens and stresses within our life, no one is without stumbling blocks or bad days. Try to remember that when you are faced with either yourself or another that is being angry, hateful or spiteful.  Life isn’t easy for most of us so we tend to get lost in our pain and forget that there is so much more to enjoy in life.

The hardest conflicts to resolve are the ones where one or more parties value their pride above all else. Pride is but a stumbling block in the way of diplomacy and conflict resolution.

Ray Barbier .

The Human Spirit and Fellowship

tpl_7_pplIt is amazing how people can go through so much pain, loss and tragedy  and still stand strong. The human spirit can overcome almost anything that is thrown at it, especially when there are those around you to lend some of their love and strength to you. When we stand together we are far stronger than when we stand alone. The friendship and fellowship between us are but bonds of love on many levels. This bond is part of the strength that keeps us from falling and giving up.

hnd0002  This is why it is important to have you hand extended to all that are in need, not only do you help them with your strength and compassion they become a part of your strength if you allow them. The more you befriend the more strength you have at your disposal and the more you can help others, be they friends or not. We must not limit our compassion to family or our circle of friends for that only limits our strength and our ability to grow.

dd43853We are here to lean on one another when we are not as strong and lend each other support and each others strength to get through the rough times. We are here to celebrate life together and enjoy the blessings we have. As long as we don’t allow selfishness, pride and fear to fill our hearts there is little we can not accomplish or overcome.


We should not waste time fearing death, instead we should spend that time cherishing life and those we share life with.

Ray Barbier