All you can do is your best

p10052Your attitude is what makes or breaks your day, How you perceive the world around you is distorted and/or filtered through your state of mind.  Positive thinking may not be a cure-all, but it sure makes life a lot less stressful. Negative thoughts on the other hand makes ones day far more stressful and frustrating. So how you think is how you and your day will be in the end.

Happiness is a state of mind and is the result of a positive outlook and a heart that is compassionate and kind. The key is not to worry so much about the thoughts and opinions of others and to be thoughtful of how you think of others and yourself. Just do the best that you can and be the best possible person you can be.for when it’s all said and done, all you can do is your best. If you have done your best and been the best person you can be then you will at least you will be able to go to bed with a clean conscience.

Ray Barbier

Journey to the light

I walked relentlessly as I examined the place where I am. I don’t know this place, even a single hint could hardly help me. It was all black, darkness surrounds the place. I continued to walk on a straight – I could feel – barren path. With a vague vision, I saw a television set and a lawn chair.

I immediately went there to see the television set. But atop of the television, was a compact disc with a title, “Your story”, written lucidly. Curiosity ate my system as if compelling me to open the cd case and watch it. Yes, for a moment, I had the urge to put it on the player and hit the play button.

As the disc started playing, I was appalled. I fluttered my eyelids making sure that what I’m watching is true. It was a young lady having a conversation with her friends, maligning their foes with unbelted words. The disc continued to play. The lady, along with her friends, was now making some kind of pranks to her classmates. She was insensitive to the feelings of her classmates that she extended her jokes to the most injurious way.

“Waaaaah!” I shrieked out as I can no longer bare the content of the disc. I shut down the player as I felt really humiliated.

The young lady on the disc was me, in my worst character ever.

I can’t help myself but cry as I realized how I was so wicked. I knelt down realizing that I’m still on this strange dark place. I knelt down in pain realizing how I messed up my life, how I insensitively attacked others, and how I butchered others with my negative words. I moaned with regret filling the deafening silence of this dark place.

Until, a light which halted me from horrible crying immediately came over from the ceiling. I hardly know the source of the light. It was like a spotlight glaring on my body. I froze for a moment not knowing what to do, but a manly voice spoke: “Do not be afraid.” I flinched back as I heard the voice that caused my heart beat irregularly.

He bestowed His hand to me, “Come, I will never leave you nor forsake you.” He, without any glint of condemnation wholly accepted me despite of all my blemishes, and shortcomings. Right at the moment, I seized and accepted His hands without any doubts and any mark of regret. I throw away everything which isn’t pleasing to Him – all things that separated me from Him.

When I’m alone, when no one seems to watch my actions, He is the only one who surely knows me, who surely knows who I am.

I am Airamae A. Guerrero, a future journalist and Christ’s disciple. I was once been lost, but now was able to embrace and receive the light coming from Him. Though sometimes I fall short, He never forsakes me. There’s nothing greater than taking the right path, journeying with Him. I owe him a lot for who and what I am today, it is all because of His unconditional love.

The best is yet to come and this is just the start of my  journey to the light.

Hello guys and my fellow bloggers! Could I ask for your time? Just comment on my facebook note (here) Or you can add me first, here’s my facebook account (here) It’s part of our requirement, so please! thank you so much.

Please! I owe you a lot! thank you guys.

It’s the Gifts given to us through grace

p10114Time for Thanks is every day, the blessings of giving is also something to be enjoyed each day of our lives. The holidays of the season are here to remind us to be thankful for all are blessings through out the year and our lives.  It isn’t the gifts we receive on Christmas or the food we eat on thanksgiving it’s the Gifts given to us through grace and the thankful hearts we should have.

May each and every one of you enjoy the holidays to come and may God’s love fill your hearts throughout the season and throughout your remaining days here on earth. May you never forget to be thankful for the life you have and the Grace given to us all.

God Bless

Ray Barbier

We are to use our words to heal and to encourage.

p10058Using words as weapons is not the Christian thing to do, instead we are to use our words to heal and to encourage. Using foul language not only is offensive to others it also degrades ones character and gives a pretty negative  image of yourself for others to see. If you wag your tongue with ought any Discretion or thought to what damage may be done, then you will have to reap the seeds you have sown. Better to follow the bibles guideline and let everything you say be good and helpful. The words you say are the reflection of what is in your heart and on your mind.  Think before you speak and avoid letting out those words of anger.

Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

Ephesians 4:29 NLT

The reason for the season

p10121The holiday season is upon us and the sale ads are pouring out like a tropical storm. Time to go spend your hard-earned cash on Thanksgiving diner and Christmas presents. Just remember through out all of the spending frenzy and the sales the reason for the season. Thanksgiving is the day to give thanks for another year of survival and for the blessing of having food upon your table. Christmas of course is the celebrated day of our savior’s birth and the salvation he brought us all. Don’t get caught up in all the commercialization of the holidays and remember to focus on the family more than on the gifts you are going to give and receive.

May God bless your Holiday Season and Remember to Give thanks every day for the blessings in our life.

Happy Holidays

Ray Barbier

There is always hope and Salvation

p10108Nobody is useless, nobody is beyond help. As long as they are alive they can improve, change be transformed and Saved by God, Jesus and the holy spirit. Even the most vile of humans can be born again and saved by the grace of Jesus. The love God has for us all he gave us his only begotten son and that son Jesus offered himself up in sacrifice for all our sins. So how can anyone truly be a lost cause or beyond help if the sacrifice of Jesus was for all of humanity? There is always hope and with acceptance of Jesus there is salvation. Don’t let that old devil try to fool you that you are not savable or that things are hopeless, he wants you to doubt the promises and power of God. He wants you to lose faith and be fruitless for God. Just remember the devil is a great deceiver and can make you think things are fact when they are fiction. Put your faith in God and Jesus and learn to put the lies and deception of the evil one behind you. Let the bible be your guide through life. Most of all pray and give thanks daily if not multiple times a day.

God bless

Raymond Barbier

Act in accordance with who you are and what you believe.

bnf0427Be true to yourself which basically means that you should act in accordance with who you are and what you believe. Stop trying to please everybody and definitely stop acting as  someone you’re not. There is nothing wrong with who and what you are or how you act, think and co-exist. Peer pressure has no power over someone who sees that they are wonderful as they are and that if someone don’t like you as you are then let them move on. To be popular by trying to be like everyone else is an act of betrayal to who you really are within. In my youth I fell to peer pressure trying to look cool or at least fit in somewhat and all I got out of it is the bad habit of smoking cigarettes and a lot of wasted youth. The sad part for a good part of my life I kept trying to fit in, be a part of the norm and it never really worked because I never was being sincere or being my true self  Shame it took me so many years before I saw the goodness in being myself and true to who I am.

PEOP0060 So my advice to the old and young is get over the fear of not fitting in or not being accepted. Be true to who you truly are and let the light God planted in you shine. Think your own thoughts, don’t take the words of others as truth without confirming them and question anything that just isn’t right or seems way too good to be true. Love yourself for who and what God has made you to be and worry not of what others think of you. As long as you do what you feel is right and good then you have nothing to worry about and if others disapprove  then so be it.

Be true to thyself and be who you desire and deserve to be. Think for yourself and take responsibility for your own life.

Ray Barbier

left in the hands of God and Jesus.

cross Is the Christian community living in fear or in faith? There are times I truly wonder where our hearts are at, we shouldn’t have fear, we should walk by faith not by sight. We shouldn’t allow our fear to dictate our actions and we should forgive one another along with our selves for the shortcomings we all have. I have learned in life that what is to be, shall be and there are some things you can change and others you can’t. The hardest lesson was for me to realize the differences between them all and accepting that I can’t fix everything nor control anyone or anything besides my own self. The things out of my hands are the things left in the hands of God and Jesus.

The Full serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

 Reinhold Niebuhr

Give up your hurting heart, leave at the alter your worldly, angry, hardened and selfish heart.

wdh1010 Give up your hurting heart, leave at the alter your worldly, angry, hardened and selfish heart. Pick up that heart God and Jesus gave you, let the seed of love, compassion and understanding grow within you. I know, it is so easy to say that in such a world we live in that it is impossible to be the person God wants us to be. So easy to give in to the fear of failure and the temptation of staying in your comfort zone. Change is scary and being compassionate, loving, caring and understanding is even scarier because you put yourself in a position to be ridiculed, chastised and shunned by those who don’t believe.

p10328 Jesus suffered ridiculed, chastised and shunned by others all the way to the cross. We may have to suffer similar to follow him, that’s a risk we must take as Christians and one well worth it considering what is promised. The fear we suffer when we are trying to choose God and Jesus is just a trick of the enemy and he tries many ways to lead you away from the Love of God. Though we are to believe in faith not by sight there is many signs of God around us. The earth we live on and the life within it is statistically a long shot to exist. The ability for a species to be cognitive, sentient and self-aware is also a statistical rarity. Prayers and miracle healings happening all over the world is another sign. I have seen a few cases of miracle healings and a few people make a 180 in their life after accepting Christ.

p10188To be fair I have seen many times where prayers were not answered and people who didn’t receive healing as well. I do not claim to know why God chooses to do for one and not for another. His will is not ours to understand, it is only ours to accept and embrace. He has a plan for each of us, sometimes he doesn’t answer prayers to save us from the suffering it would bring to us, sometimes its to teach us a lesson. Some may not be healed because God wanted them to come home or they were ready to go home. Either way, there is proof to the power of prayer and there is miracles still happening in modern times and you can find them if you look hard enough.

 Choose to believe or choose not to believe, the choice is yours. Either way I pray you will be blessed and be guided by God and saved by the sacrifice of the lamb we call Christ.

Ray Barbier

There is no guarantee we have tomorrow

jesus-christ-0206 Too many times we take those we love for granted, expect them to be there tomorrow and forget to show them how much we need, love and care about them. There is no guarantee we have tomorrow so we should show how much people mean to us today, we should never put off something as important as how we feel for one another till another day. God gave us the ability to love, care for and to help one another and we should use those gifts daily. We need to learn how to put our self and our ego’s behind us so that we can fully show our love and compassion for others.

We should live our lives, love others and be the best we can be for God and Jesus each day.

Raymond Barbier

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