The teachings of Ratsevod the Gliesian – Page 1

Ratsevod was a great explorer of the known universe and wandering sage of Gliese. The following is his teachings which are composed of the spiritual truths he found during his wanderings through the universe.

“Core of Being”

The Core of who you are is the result of what you believe about yourself. You set your own limits and boundaries and you can not surpass that which you believe you are capable of doing.

“Be open to your own greatness”

You came into this world with all that you need to make your life that which you desire it to be.  The Trick is learning to tap into your full potential, all the tools you need are there deep within who you are.  Only person who stands in the way of you reaching your full potential and greatness is you.

“Discover that which you are here to experience.”

Your experiences are custom-made just for you and your personal evolution. Whether it be  anger, happiness, compassion or love. Life is unfolding in the way that  it should at all times. All the experiences you have and had were the experiences that you needed to grow personally and/or spiritually .

“Do all with a full heart and experience life fully”

Give your full attention to everything that is happening to and around you in each moment. Put your mind to experiencing everything to the fullest. Experience every sensation of every experience. For instance if you walk in the rain feel the coldness of the rain drops, the speed they are hitting your body and how it feels as it evaporates from you skin. Do not let one of the experiences escape your senses .  Live fully in the now, for the past is gone and the future is yet to come. Focus on the experience of being in the now.

Focus on now and do not waste time and thought on other times and places, it only serves to distract you from all the gifts and wonders of  the experience you are now within.  Live life with vigor and set forth all your passion and enthusiasm into the moment at hand.  Do everything with a full heart.

“Love with no limits and Revere life”

Love one another, yourself and all that exists without condition or limitations.  The love you give will always be outweighed by the love you shall receive. Like the old saying you have to spend money to make money is just as true if not more so about love. You have to  give love unconditionally and fully in order to open up to receive all the love that awaits you in your life. If you give love , compassion and are thankful you will never be alone and will be surrounded by love.

Love life, respect life and be compassionate for all living things. Be a good example and more than likely others will follow in the same.  How you respond to another person is always your choice. Be kind, even to those who are unkind to you.


“Learn from life, live to learn and love without limitation.” ~Ratsevod