Random Thoughts 10-29-2015

free Sometimes I just kick back and think of how many times I failed to reach my goals, how many times I allowed the failure to disrupt my life and how foolish I was to allow it to do so. Failure may not be something to strive for but it is a something we all must face from time to time. Through failure one can learn a lot, you learn not only what not to do or how not to do it, you also learn a lot about yourself and what you need to change. Failing isn’t the end of the road, it is but a pothole that you ran over. So don’t let it become a roadblock or worse. Every great inventor had to have many failures before they found the right design, Edison went through many failures on the light bulb before he got the right design to make it work. So failure is something we all must deal with along our way to success.Main thing is to never give up, keep on trying until you exhaust every option you have. Eventually you will find the right combination and or plan to make it work.




Ray Barbier

Random Thoughts 10-29-2015 was originally published on RJB Networks

Random Thoughts 10-28-2015

mp900426559Life is full of twists and turns, probabilities and mishaps. Most of which you either caused or created by the choices you had made. The outcome you seek is not always what you receive, this is especially true when you are blind to the fact you are the one behind the wheel and that it is not just chance or fate dealing the cards. Most things are within our control, some are just random variables that we can not control or avoid. Though unavoidable does not mean that we can not set in motion countermeasures to adjust the final outcome.



tpl_7_pplThings such as fate and destiny are not set in stone, we can change them with hard work and determination. Some things may not be able to be stopped once they are in motion, but they can be slowed down and even with enough effort you can change the direction they are flowing. That is the nice thing about having free will , you can change your fate or destiny by changing the way you think, act, react and live your life. This is your life after all, it isn’t a scripted play nor is it just a random collection of coincidences. The author of your life is you, therefore you can change the story line at any given time in your life.



Ray Barbier

Random Thoughts 10-28-2015 was originally published on Mind Exposure

Random Thoughts 10-27-2015

0181Acceptance of a situation is not giving in or giving up, it is the realization that not all things are within our ability to change. Accepting the things we can not change frees our mind and changes our focus on to the things we can change. The trick is learning what things are changeable and which things that are not. Even when we face situations we can not change, we still can chose how we react to them and even change the outcome of such events to a more favorable one. We are never completely powerless when it comes to life, we may feel overwhelmed and helpless but there is always something we can do to direct the final outcome. A good example is a thief who has been caught and faces imprisonment, he can either lie and deny his guilt or he can be honorable and admit his guilt. Sure he will still face prison time but he will do so with some honor intact. Also during his time served he can either just wait it out doing nothing or use that time to improve himself. Be it a spiritual, physical or mental improvement matters little. Using the time he has to improve himself will bring a far better outcome than to sit there doing nothing in his jail cell. If he does nothing while there he will probably return to the life of crime only to either wind back up in prison or worse.  I guess it is like the old saying “if life serves you lemons then make lemonade”. Make the best of every situation, look for any and all ways to take a bad situation and turn it into one that will benefit you and/or others in the end.

It is not necessarily who you are in life but how you live life that matters in the end.
Ray Barbier

Random Thoughts 10-27-2015 was originally published on Mind Exposure

Random Thoughts 10-25-2015

Your mind can be your best friend or it can be your worst enemy. The thing about the mind is that clutter, useless thoughts and external distractions can and usually will cause it to function poorly if not cause it to be erratic and/or chaotic. A disciplined mind with clear and focused thinking is the key to a healthier mind.   Stress is the result of an undisciplined mind that is distracted easily by external forces. A mind that has stress is similar to a computer that is overheating, while stressed the mind is unable to function properly and becomes chaotic in the way it reacts to situations.  How can we reduce stress or learn to avoid stress all together is something we all need to learn to do.

Irrational thought and self degrading thoughts are but wasted mental energy, they are remnants of shame, guilt and the uncertainty within your subconscious.  Any guilt that one feels should be short-lived, once you learn the lessons from the mistakes you made you are supposed to move on. Holding on to such negative emotions and thoughts only serve to weigh you down and cause you to be indecisive. Forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes, don’t live in the aftermath of them. If you have learned from your mistakes and never repeat them then you should carry little to no guilt.  For what is done is done and beyond sincerely apologizing or full disclosure  of your guilt in the matter, there is little that one can do beyond that.

Learn from the lessons life brings you, don’t live in them. Be one who acts upon the circumstances around them,not one who reacts. Forgive others and yourself, for no person is without fault or blame.  Be yourself and learn what it means to be true to yourself as well. Always remember your thoughts, words and actions not only affect you, they affect every one around you and sometimes even those you will never meet.

IMG_0097bMay wisdom and compassion
be your guides through this
journey we call life.

Ray Barbier 

Random Thoughts 10-25-2015 was originally published on Mind Exposure

Quote shared by a friend 

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. – Marianne Williamson

Quote shared by a friend  was originally published on Mind Exposure

Mind Exposure Network is Here

I recently created a word press blog located at  Mindexposure.net, this will a multi author blog.This means it will be open to any blog author to join and contribute to it.

The sole mission of this newly created blog is to provide informative, creative , inspirational and positive content for the readers to benefit from. We believe wisdom comes from all types of people in the world, not one region, religion or philosophy has all the answers nor all the wisdom. So if interested in joining this project just stop by www.mindexposure.net , sign up and give me a shout via a comment on this post or on one of the posts at www.minexposure.net.

Well I hope to see some of those awesome bloggers from word press signing up to expose the minds of those wonderful readers we all love.


Blessings and Happiness to you all


Ray Barbier





Mind Exposure Network is Here was originally published on Mind Exposure

Random Thoughts 10-18-2015


You may ask yourself at times why should I be a positive force? Why should I be a helpful, kind and compassionate being in a world where being selfish, greedy and self-serving is the norm. Just because the world has become such a place is a good enough reason for me. Why be like everyone else and be nothing but a mindless slave to the ways of society. Being Selfless, compassionate and loving person is a rewarding path in many ways. If you put forth the effort to live as a positive force in this world, you don’t only bring a positive influence on the environment you’re in but you also reap the benefits of the environment you’ve influenced and or created. As it is written you shall reap what you sow and karma in its own way does exist. Sure being selfish, greedy and focused on material gain can bring you temporary joy, but material wealth is something one can lose or have stolen from them.


mp900427738  Things such as love, compassion, charity and peace benefits not only the wielder but those around them. The happiness and joy achieved from such things can not be stolen or lost.  Money in this modern world is necessary to survive, but it shouldn’t be our main focus in life.  When you put your wealth and possessions before the wellbeing of our fellow human beings it is shameful and more animalistic than human.There always should be a balance between our material desires and the spiritual or emotional selves. To survive we must deal with the need and want for material possessions. We just need to learn to put that second to the  more important need to be a community and positive force in this world. Put our Intellect, Reasoning skills and creativity in motion for the betterment of humanity and the world that we live in. The way you walk in life affects both you and those around you, we all are a part of the bigger picture. We all have our part to play be it hero, supporting staff, observer, advisor or even villain.


Which role you play is up to you, all I can say is I hope you chose to walk in your life in way that will benefit all around you. Chose to be someone and something that you can love and understand.

I wish a blessed day and may compassion be your guide through life.

Ray Barbier


Random Thoughts 10-18-2015 was originally published on RJB Networks