Random Thoughts 6-30-2017

The world we live in is a world of division, separation and is built around the belief one person, ideal, religion or political system is superior to another. We allow so much to separate us from each other, so much to obstruct human kind from becoming the wondrous creatures we could be. There are some in this world that do not care if everyone else believes as they do be it religious ,political or just in general. The differences between all of us could make us stronger and a unstoppable force. But unfortunately we don’t seem to be able to get beyond the fear and hate. We allow our differences to separate us and destroy the harmony and peace that could be ours. 

Imagine if you will a world where regardless of nationality, religion, beliefs and or social status we all get along and work together. Could you imagine the things as a untied species we could achieve. All the money put into the war machine could be focused on finding cures for diseases, renewable energies and even space exploration. We could find solutions to the problems we face in our time if we could pull together and work towards that goal.

To be honest it is some what disappointing that as civilized as we became as a species we still harbor such feelings as envy, hate and fear so abundantly and frequently. We should find the strength to put aside such feelings and put aside our differences as well for the good of all humanity and life on this planet.

Until we outgrow such things as greed, fear,envy and the lust for power as a species we will remain on this path that leads to the eventual extinction of humanity. Those feelings and desires will probably always plague our hearts and minds but we are capable of controlling and restraining such emotions and desires if we choose to do so. 

Humanity has such great potential, it has been shown through our ingenuity throughout the ages. If we learn to overcome the obstacles that keeps us separated , we can achieve the unbelievable and unthinkable.


The future belongs to everybody regardless if they be great or small in the eyes of society. What truly defines a person is their words and actions in life, not the opinions of others.

Raymond Barbier

Random thoughts 6-12-2017

Life is full of ups and downs, we all know this and experience such on a daily basis.  Sometimes we allow the downs to be the focus of our thoughts. When we do such we give the downside of life to take control of our emotions and guide our actions. By doing such we tend to get stuck in a defensive posture and in a negative mindset.  We react to the situation we are experiencing instead of being proactive and constructively active in life.  If one get stuck in the reactionary and defensive mindset they slip in to the oppressed and depressed emotional state that just amplifies the negative situation.

Sure we have bad days and lows in our life, its part of life and without them we could not see how fortunate we are when the good times come.  Focusing only on those bad times only brings one grief and it influences your attitude which plays a big part in your total emotional happiness and well being.  I personally do not believe that one can always be happy or have a life full of only good days, but I do believe one can negate most of the bad days and negative effects they bring to one emotionally and physically.

If a Bad day comes, embrace it and let it follow its course until it ends. Then let it go , move forward only remembering any lessons learned and leave the negative emotions behind. Start the next day fresh with no thought or care of what happened the day before. For each morning we wake is yet another chance at life and happiness. Forgiveness is one key to such happiness and freedom from the pain and guilt from bad days. Forgiving not only those people that has done you wrong but also forgiveness for yourself and for the mistakes you made.

Enjoy the good days you have with all your heart and enjoy the blessing of the people that you have been given to enjoy those days with. Love each person for who and what they are as well as your own self. Do not allow hate, fear or indifference be roadblocks to happiness and harmony with the world around you.  Put all your thoughts and energy into the positive and happy things of life not into the negative  or destructive. 

There is many paths to peace and happiness, and not every path is meant for every person who walks them. Seek out that which brings you happiness and follow that path as long as it does not cause harm to yourself or others.