Thoughts on 2/23/2013

God, the Father watches us all everywhere.

Stop trying to rely on your own strength , learn to rely on that inner strength God provides you. It is a strength beyond the physical and mental strengths we cultivate and acquire through life. Remember where all your strengths come from, for they all originate from God. And be thankful for what you have as well as what you have had as well.

Ray Barbier

we should love one another as Jesus commanded us to do

dd43853So easy it is to open your eyes and see the needs of others, so simple is it to open your heart and give to those who need. It isn’t all about money, it’s about friendship, fellowship, kindness and compassion. Even a smile or a kind word can change the hearts and minds of those around you. A little compassion can go a long way in helping someone get through the day. Just give what you have to give to help others and it will multiply within the person you help.

Try to remember the person you seeing in need, be it a need of food, clothes or just a kind word or two could easily be you. So try to treat others with that fact in mind, they too are only human and have problems, challenges and circumstances just like you do. They are your brothers and sisters in the eyes of God, we should love one another as Jesus commanded us to do.

God Bless

Ray Barbier

Mankind wasn’t ready for his level of love

DSC_0337There once was a man who taught peace, forgiveness and love. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind and even raised the dead. He did all of it in love and for his father. Mankind wasn’t ready for his level of love and mercy and many saw him as a threat to their position and or power and in the end they put him to death. There once was a man who was more than just a man who suffered torture, chastising, ridicule and in the end a horrible and painful crucifixion. He laid his life down in love to save the same people whom put him to death. He died to save the Jews and the Gentiles alike and through him we all can be saved.

Jesus was God’s love manifested in human form, sent to teach us,save us and to be the bridge between humanity and God. Love comes from God and Jesus and we are supposed to be the propagators of God’s love. We are to love one another, we are not to judge or to be as the Pharisees were.

Be thankful, forgiving, loving, caring and live your life in Christ doing as he has taught us to do.

Ray Barbier

Words of wisdom or wishful thoughts.

IMG_1326_edited-1To love is to live, to live is to experience Love. To fear is to miss out on love and life. To fear love is to deny yourself happiness, to fear rejection is to deny yourself personal growth and the chance to succeed. To fear what others think is to throw away your chance to be who you are truly meant to be. To be like everyone else or follow the crowd is to deny yourself individuality. To deny you are a part of the whole is to deny yourself the fellowship it can bring along with the strength it can give you. To think you are strong by your own is to set yourself p for a great fall. To think you are wise is only proof you are yet a fool. To recognize your lack of wisdom and accept your faults  is the first step in becoming wise. To think you have learned it all only will deny you the truth and answers you seek. To hold a grudge and not forgive only hurts you and does nothing to the one that you begrudge. To judge others harshly only sets you up to be judged in the same way.

Be humble, Be kind, Try not to judge and if you do, do it with compassion. Love one another unconditionally and learn to forgive others as well as your own self

Ray Barbier

One Life, One Goal, One God, Infinite Possibilities

This is the church that i attend’s website, check it out if your in need of a good place to go to worship, if troubled, just wanting to read some good devotions in your spear time. Hope all takes a peek into what Liggett Baptist is all about, God bless you all!

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A short one but something that was running through the brain and was wanting to get out haha

One Life, One Goal, One God, Infinite Possibilities

Watching the sunset, alone, sometimes isn't always a bad thing

Sometimes we get so caught up all that this earth throws at us and we tend to drift apart from everything that truly matters most to us. We tend to forget to stop, take a breath and remember that all the worrying that we do is eating away at our true happiness that could be. Something about starring across where ever we are at the sunset makes all the troubles, pain in our lives seem such a blur, for the time being. I just hope for all you as i’m trying to do myself just take a moment everyday to stop and reflect, to count our so many blessings we’ve thus far been graced with because this life, if we choose to do so, can be an awesome and wonderful ride.
God bless to you all and have a great afternoon!

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Slow down, take a look around. Life is going by too fast for you to digest.

IMG_1287Slow down, take a look around. Life is going by too fast for you to digest. Slow down and enjoy your friends, family and the wondrous things around you. Slow down before you miss all the good things in life. Stop worrying so much about what you want or what you do not have and cherish that you have been blessed with. Love those within your life and forgive those who have done you wrong. Forgive yourself as well for its hard to love others if you can not love yourself unconditionally. reevaluate your goals and priorities and rid yourself of the things that are either unattainable or not truly beneficial to you. Streamline your time so you have more time to focus on the things that matter and those whom you love.

Do not waste time trying to convince others about what you think is right, instead live and be an example of what you believe. By example you will convince many more than by just words alone. Always express what you feel and then go make what you feel a reality.

Just some random thoughts on a Saturday

Ray Barbier

One Life, One Goal, One God, Infinite Possibilities

The lord is my everything

My family is an odd group of people that seems to cheer me up, catch me when i’m falling down, love me even through the many changes i’ve went through good and bad, ones that i’m happy i was born into.

My friends, wherever they are i still am blessed to have the few i still have left. Many come and many go but the ones that stick it out in the end with ya, those are the ones that make your life just a bit easier and well even though we have had our fair share of crazy moments we are still able to come together after several months of not seeing each other and share an awesome moments. Times do change but friendships never changed if it’s truly a strong one at best. We all have, even though some may not want to…

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Why is being right more important than doing the right thing?

IMG_1077Sometime we tend to be our own worst enemy, we get wrapped up in what we think we want and neglect what we truly need. This seems to be the dilemma of humanity.  We are social creatures for the most art but it seems we have become more focused on our individuality than the group, clan or community. We forgot how to care and be part of a community and to work together. It’s all about taking care of ourselves and our own instead of we are all a part of an extended family. It’s all good to be an individual and to express such, but not at the expense of  loosing our connection from the great family of humanity.

We allow politics, religion, race, culture and many other things get in the way of being the great creation God made us to be. We as a species are capable of doing such good and amazing things when we work together and put our differences aside. We are all basically the same, we all really want peace, love and happiness for ourselves, our family and especially for our children. Why cant that be enough of a motive for us to be civilized and mature enough to be at peace with one another and learn to work together to make this world a better place for everyone? Why is greed more important than your neighbor or the poor guy begging for his next meal? Why is being right more important than doing the right thing?

It is far better to be poor and have your next meal than to be rich and want for nothing, for without anything to aspire for there is little to enjoy. It is far more important to do the right thing than to worry about who is right or wrong. For doing the right thing is being in the right and worrying about who is right or not is such a waste of time and energy.

Raymond Barbier

One Life, One Goal, One God, Infinite Possibilities

This is part two of the video series i wish to share to all my viewers, hopefully this will touch each and everyone of your hearts. This is what we all are faced with in this life but to ask God for help, ask Him for forgiveness is the key thing in all this. God bless each of you and have a good day!

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