Tag Archives: Mental Health

Understanding Self-Worth and Self-Esteem

Self-worth and self-esteem are closely related concepts, but they have distinct nuances:

  1. Self-Worth:
    • Definition: Self-worth reflects your intrinsic belief in your value as a person. It transcends external validation and arises from a deep understanding of your inherent worthiness.
    • Importance: Recognizing your self-worth empowers you to navigate challenges, set healthy boundaries, and maintain resilience.
    • Action Steps:
      • Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during setbacks.
      • Acknowledge Achievements: Reflect on your accomplishments and recognize your contributions.
      • Avoid Comparison: Focus on your unique qualities rather than comparing yourself to others.
  2. Self-Esteem:
    • Definition: Self-esteem pertains to how you perceive and feel about yourself. It can fluctuate based on external factors like performance or approval.
    • Importance: Healthy self-esteem fosters confidence, assertiveness, and positive interactions.
    • Action Steps:
      • Positive Self-Talk: Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with affirming statements.
      • Set Realistic Goals: Achieving small milestones boosts self-esteem.
      • Seek Constructive Feedback: Learn from feedback without taking it personally.

Building Self-Worth and Self-Esteem in a Professional Setting

  1. Define Your Value:
    • Recognize your skills, expertise, and unique contributions.
    • Assign value to your abilities and recognize your worth.
  2. Identify Your Purpose:
    • Consider the qualities you want others to recognize in you.
    • Align your actions with your core values and purpose.
  3. Remember Your Successes:
    • Reflect on past achievements.
    • Celebrate your progress and growth.
  4. Ask for Feedback:
    • Constructive feedback helps you learn and improve.
    • Use it as a tool for growth.
  5. Build Good Relationships:
    • Connect with colleagues who appreciate your worth.
    • Surround yourself with positive influences.
  6. Take on Meaningful Work:
    • Engage in tasks that align with your values and interests.
    • Contributing meaningfully enhances self-worth.
  7. Focus on Solutions:
    • Instead of dwelling on problems, seek solutions.
    • Problem-solving reinforces self-esteem.

Remember: You Are Invaluable

Your self-worth extends beyond professional achievements. Embrace your uniqueness, practice self-compassion, and recognize your worthiness. As you cultivate self-esteem and self-worth, you’ll thrive both personally and professionally.


  1. What is Self-Worth & How Do We Build it?
  2. Self-Worth Vs. Self-Esteem: Understanding the Differences
  3. Self-Worth Matters And How To Improve It
  4. 6 Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem at Work

Random Thoughts 1-22-24

At times, we may find ourselves ensnared within our own thoughts, entangled in a mental continuum dwelling on our past missteps, contemplating alternative choices, and lamenting missed opportunities. This preoccupation with the past consumes our mental energy to such an extent that it obstructs our ability to fully engage with the present.

It is crucial to recognize the profound influence that fixation on the past can exert upon our present and future. By being preoccupied with what might have transpired, we risk overlooking the opportunities that presently await us. This ceaseless rumination has the potential to give rise to sentiments of remorse, apprehension, and discontent, thereby impeding our ability to wholeheartedly embrace the present and impeding our personal development.

To break free from this cycle, it’s vital to cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness. By practicing mindfulness, we can train our minds to focus on the present, allowing us to experience life as it unfolds rather than being trapped in the past. Moreover, fostering self-awareness enables us to recognize when we are becoming entangled in unproductive thought patterns, empowering us to redirect our attention to the present moment.

Additionally, seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals can be immensely beneficial. Engaging in open conversations about our struggles with trusted confidants or seeking guidance from mental health professionals can provide new perspectives and strategies for moving forward. Through this collaborative effort, we can gradually release the grip of the past and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

Ultimately, by embracing the power of the present moment and purposefully releasing unproductive thoughts about the past, we free ourselves from the mental burdens that inhibit our personal and emotional well-being.

Mindfulness is the practice of gently focusing your awareness on the present moment over and over again. It often involves focusing on sensations to root yourself in your body in the here and now. It can be practiced during formal meditation or during everyday activities, like cooking, cleaning, or walking. Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and can help you manage them more effectively.

Self-awareness, on the other hand, involves deep understanding of oneself, including thoughts, emotions, and actions. It is the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, and how they affect others around you. By developing self-awareness, you can better understand your own strengths and weaknesses, and make more informed decisions about your life.

Practicing mindfulness can help you develop self-awareness by allowing you to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help you become more aware of your own patterns of thought and behavior and can help you identify areas where you may need to make changes. Additionally, mindfulness can help you develop greater emotional intelligence, which can help you better understand and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

The Power of Music: How It Can Improve Your Mental and Physical Health

Music has been a part of human culture for thousands of years and has been shown to have numerous benefits for both mental and physical health. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, music can help promote health and manage disease symptoms . Here are some ways in which music can be beneficial:

  1. Boosts mood: Listening to music can help improve your mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. It can also help you relax and reduce stress levels .
  2. Improves cognitive function: Music has been shown to improve cognitive function in older adults, including memory, attention, and executive function .
  3. Reduces pain: Listening to music can help reduce pain and discomfort, especially during medical procedures such as surgery or dental work .
  4. Enhances exercise performance: Listening to music while exercising can help improve endurance, increase motivation, and reduce fatigue .
  5. Promotes social bonding: Music can help create a sense of social connectedness and promote feelings of empathy and compassion .
  6. Improves sleep: Listening to calming music before bed can help improve sleep quality and reduce symptoms of insomnia .
  7. Reduces symptoms of dementia: Music therapy has been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce symptoms of dementia in older adults .
  8. Helps manage symptoms of Parkinson’s disease: Music therapy can help improve motor function and reduce symptoms of Parkinson’s disease .
  9. Reduces symptoms of multiple sclerosis: Music-based interventions have been found to be beneficial for coordination, balance, and emotional status in people with multiple sclerosis .
  10. Reduces symptoms of depression: Listening to music can help reduce symptoms of depression and improve energy levels. Research suggests that, for some people, music can be as effective as medication at relieving depression symptoms . Consider listening to music that you enjoy and that makes you feel good.
  11. Improves immune function: Listening to music can help boost the immune system by increasing the production of antibodies and natural killer cells .
  12. Reduces symptoms of anxiety: Listening to calming music can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and promote relaxation .

In conclusion, music can have a powerful impact on both mental and physical health. Whether you’re listening to music to improve your mood, reduce pain, or enhance exercise performance, there are many ways in which music can be beneficial. If you’re interested in exploring the benefits of music further, consider taking up an instrument or attending a music therapy session.

Meditation holds the potential to help treat children suffering from traumas, difficult diagnoses or other stressors – a behavioral neuroscientist explains

Meditation and mindfulness techiques are becoming increasingly common in school settings. Alexander Egizarov/EyeEm

Hilary A. Marusak, Wayne State University

The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work.

The big idea

Children actively meditating experience lower activity in parts of the brain involved in rumination, mind-wandering and depression, our team found in the first brain-imaging study of young people under 18 years old. Over-activity in this collection of brain regions, known as the default mode network, is thought to be involved in the generation of negative self-directed thoughts – such as “I am such a failure” – that are prominent in mental disorders like depression.

In our study, we compared a simple form of distraction – counting backward from 10 – with two relatively simple forms of meditation: focused attention to the breath and mindful acceptance. Children in an MRI scanner had to use these techniques while watching distress-inducing video clips, such as a child receiving an injection.

We found that meditation techniques were more effective than distraction at quelling activity in that brain network. This reinforces research from our lab and others showing that meditation techniques and martial arts-based meditation programs are effective for reducing pain and stress in children with cancer or other chronic illnesses – and in their siblings – as well as in schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This study, led by medical student Aneesh Hehr, is important because meditation techniques such as focused attention on the breath or mindful acceptance are popular in school settings and are increasingly used to help children cope with stressful experiences. These might include exposures to trauma, medical treatments or even COVID-19-related stress. https://www.youtube.com/embed/SpjWb9teKSY?wmode=transparent&start=0 Here’s what happened at one elementary school that made meditation part of its curriculum.

Why it matters

Researchers know a lot about what is happening in the brain and body in adults while they meditate, but comparable data for children has been lacking. Understanding what is happening in children’s brains when they meditate is important because the developing brain is wired differently from the adult brain.

These findings are also important because caregivers and health care providers often use distraction methods like iPads or toys to help children cope with pain and distress, such as medical procedures. However, those techniques may largely rely on the prefrontal cortex, which is underdeveloped in youth.

This means that stress and emotion regulation techniques that rely on the prefrontal cortex may work well for adults but are likely to be less accessible to children. Meditation techniques may not be dependent upon the prefrontal cortex and may therefore be more accessible and effective for helping children manage and cope with stress.

What’s next

We still have a great deal to learn about how meditation affects brain development in children. This includes what types of meditation techniques are most effective, the ideal frequency and duration, and how it affects children differently.

Our study focused on a relatively small sample of 12 children with active cancer, as well as survivors who may have experienced significant distress over the diagnosis, treatment and uncertainty about the future. Future studies with larger sample sizes – including children with a wider diversity of diagnoses and exposures to early adversity or trauma – will help researchers like us to better understand how meditation affects the brain and body in children.

Our findings underscore the need to understand precisely how meditation techniques work. Exciting recent studies have begun to examine how participating in mindfulness and meditation-based programs can shape brain functioning in children.

Understanding how these techniques work is also essential for optimizing how they could be applied in health care settings, such as coping with needle-related procedures or for helping children manage the negative effects of stress and trauma.

Hilary A. Marusak, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Wayne State University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

have love as well as compassion towards one another.

017See that person next to you? they too have feelings, they also have struggles in life and they have as much importance as you do in the universe. Step outside your “Me, Myself and I” box and realize you are not alone nor are you the center of the universe anymore so than the guy or gal next to you.  Even those élite socialites and so-called alpha males and females that strut around as if they were superior, they too are your equals. They just live in a fantasy where they believe they are better in one fashion or another. The only difference between them and the rest of us is either good circumstances, random chance and of course probably some hard work or positive thinking and a lot of right choices.

Positive attitude plays a big part in both our self-image and self-esteem which in turn helps set the course of our life path.  How we perceive and how we treat others plays a big part in it all as well, if we know in the grand scheme of things we all have the same worth and that neither one or another is greater than the other, we then see people for who and what they truly are.  So the next time you see a beggar or a wealthy person see them as they are, just human beings trying to survive and trying to do so as best they can.  No malice should be aimed toward either and both should be subject to the same amount of love and basic respect that all living creatures deserve.

I have known both beggars and wealthy people in my life and they are pretty much the same far as wants, needs and basic desires. They both want to have their needs of food, lodging and the basic necessities, they both long to be accepted, loved and to be happy in their existence. The only real difference is what hand they were dealt in life and how they played the game.

The true riches of life are things like family, love,friendship and being happy with the blessings you have. To have peace within and finding contentment within ones life is the truest form or wealth. Possessions  tend to eventually possess the beholder and so it seems so does wealth. Greed and Envy drive the economies of the modern world more so than our needs.

So greet each other as equals and have love as well as compassion towards one another. For we are all part of the massive family we call human kind. Put greed and envy in the Trash Bin where it belongs and live life in the fullest. Be yourself and accept others for who they are.

Raymond Barbier

Laughter and a good hearted spirit

026Laughter, the reaction to something funny or an expression of ones happiness. To go out in life and try to make others laugh and smile when they are down is not only noble in my eyes I see it as a sign of a kind and good-hearted spirit. Though life can beat you down, cause you to lose faith in yourself and others the ability to bring smiles and laughter to others still lies within us all. I find when  I put forth effort to make others smile and laugh that the weight of my own burdens is lessened and the negative emotions in both me and the other person seems to disappear even if it is just for a short moment of time.

We tend to forget about the feelings and happiness of others around us because we become so consumed with our own troubles and strife. By focusing on making others happy and helping others get through the day we change our focus from just ourselves to both ourselves and those around us. There needs to be a balance of focus, focus on one or the other too much then someone or something becomes neglected.

Laughter is a Band-Aid for the heart and mind, it may not cure-all but it sure takes the sting out of our emotional and mental wounds.

Ray Barbier

Words of wisdom or wishful thoughts.

IMG_1326_edited-1To love is to live, to live is to experience Love. To fear is to miss out on love and life. To fear love is to deny yourself happiness, to fear rejection is to deny yourself personal growth and the chance to succeed. To fear what others think is to throw away your chance to be who you are truly meant to be. To be like everyone else or follow the crowd is to deny yourself individuality. To deny you are a part of the whole is to deny yourself the fellowship it can bring along with the strength it can give you. To think you are strong by your own is to set yourself p for a great fall. To think you are wise is only proof you are yet a fool. To recognize your lack of wisdom and accept your faults  is the first step in becoming wise. To think you have learned it all only will deny you the truth and answers you seek. To hold a grudge and not forgive only hurts you and does nothing to the one that you begrudge. To judge others harshly only sets you up to be judged in the same way.

Be humble, Be kind, Try not to judge and if you do, do it with compassion. Love one another unconditionally and learn to forgive others as well as your own self

Ray Barbier

Slow down, take a look around. Life is going by too fast for you to digest.

IMG_1287Slow down, take a look around. Life is going by too fast for you to digest. Slow down and enjoy your friends, family and the wondrous things around you. Slow down before you miss all the good things in life. Stop worrying so much about what you want or what you do not have and cherish that you have been blessed with. Love those within your life and forgive those who have done you wrong. Forgive yourself as well for its hard to love others if you can not love yourself unconditionally. reevaluate your goals and priorities and rid yourself of the things that are either unattainable or not truly beneficial to you. Streamline your time so you have more time to focus on the things that matter and those whom you love.

Do not waste time trying to convince others about what you think is right, instead live and be an example of what you believe. By example you will convince many more than by just words alone. Always express what you feel and then go make what you feel a reality.

Just some random thoughts on a Saturday

Ray Barbier

Do not think of what you can not be

IMG_1389_edited-1Who stands in the way of your happiness, success, commitments and your relationship with God? You, that’s who.. We tend to have an image of what we are and what we can become, the one we set as the what we can become is what limits us from going beyond. More or less it isn’t who you think you are that stands in the way its more of who you don’t think you are and who you can not become that is the roadblock between all things and God. It is far better to set no limits on yourself and not to set goals too low for then you will never grow or become the person you and God wants you to be.

Do not think of what you can not be, think of what you can be and what you can try to achieve. Each of us have the ability to go beyond what we see as our self and the limits we have set within our mind. We all have the potential to be who and whatever we wish to be, maybe some things will come easer to one and harder to another but if you desire it and put your heart and fait into it there is almost nothing one can achieve within their lifetime.

Ray Barbier

Some thoughts on Dec 25 2012

005Positive thinking? Changing ones perception of the world around us? Choosing your attitude and changing how you interact with the world around you can greatly change your life and help fill your life with happiness and love. Forgiveness is a choice to let go of hurt and anger within yourself and it is one of the many forms of love god gave us. What it boils down to is our self-made perception of the world and our choices on how we interact and interpret it as well. Though we are individuals and we have our own personal view of how the world is and how it should be, we should remember we are also a piece of the great puzzle of life. There is so many other individuals living here with us at the same time and we are as one machine even though we are independent  in thought. In the end each one of us has pretty much the same goals such as living a happy life, making those we love happy and helping them to have a happy life as well. Though we all may see what happiness is in a different way, we all want to be happy and live life in peace. Even those who start wars and seem to pursue an aggressive existence crave peace and happiness, they just got hung-up on the pain and anger the world and life can bring. Some seek wealth, others seek power and both seek what they believe will bring them and those they love happiness in the end. There are even some that seek death either because they want to reach their vision of heaven or they believe it would end the suffering they have within their minds and hearts. Death is no answer, it is just an inevitable fact of being a mortal being as we humans are. Life is the answer and how you live it, perceive it and interact with it are the keys. We can either work together to find happiness and peace in life or we can continue pursuing our personal dreams. Either way we are the captains of our own destinies and we alone choose our paths in life. No one is responsible for your actions, thoughts and how you perceive life and the world around you but yourself.

We choose our own path in life, how we interact and perceive our world is an individual choice.

Ray Barbier