Random Thoughts 05-07-2018

Sometimes People walk through their life blind to the great blessings they have around them. They get hung up on either what they don’t have or what they think they should have.  Many get stuck in the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence mentality and overlook all green grass and potential in their own yard. Maybe it due to some folks too scared to put the work in to their life and relationships or they feel it is all a lost cause where they are in life. Nothing comes easy in life, nothing comes to be without some mental or physical effort.

You want a better life you have to work at it, work on changing yourself , the environment you are in and the circumstances that surround you. First thing is to get rid of both the negative and defeatist mentality that holds you back and keeps you from seeing not only the blessings around you but the potential blessings and happiness you can obtain.

Happiness is something you have within yourself, it is something that you alone create and maintain. Outside influences can affect your happiness but only as long and as much as you allow them too. In the end it is you that decide to be happy or not.  Most unhappiness comes from setting you goals way too high or expecting too much out of yourself and others. Do things in baby steps and try to see you are only human and so are those around you. We all are prone to make mistakes and we all at one time or another fall short of the expectations of others and even our own self.

Instead of dwelling on the mistakes, shortcomings and where we may lack in our abilities etc. , we should be focusing on the positive circumstances and experiences along with our known abilities. Work with what you have and add to it as you move forward, stop looking backwards and look ahead. Glancing back occasionally is fine if you do it for retrospection and to see where you went wrong in order to avoid the same mistakes, but it is not good to dwell on the past mistakes in such a way you let it fill your heart with despair and doubt.

Learn from your past mistakes but do not punish yourself beyond the moment they had happened. Grieve and move on, remembering the lessons learned not the pain associated with them.  This is why forgiveness is so important, not only does forgiveness release the person who done the wrong but it heals the person that had been wronged. Carrying grief, anger and remorse only holds one down and back from being the happy and loving person they are meant to be.

If you can move on from your past mistakes it frees you up to focus all that energy and time towards changing your life and yourself. You become free to be yourself and live life the way you are meant to. Gives you the time to tend to your own garden or yard per se and make it greener than any grass on the other side of the fence.

In a nut shell negative emotions are meant to teach us and be there to warn us, they are meant to be in the moment not a lifelong experience. Our life is what we make of it , we are the masters of our own life and destiny. How you live your life and how happy you are in it is your personal choice and responsibility.


Well there is my random thoughts today, just an average mans opinions and thoughts. May you find happiness and serenity in your life, always remember to think for yourself and question everything.

Ray Barbier

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