Random Thoughts 3-16-2015

me2_edited-1 Be yourself, Worry not about the opinions of others. Become a person whom you would love and respect and learn to love who you are faults and all.  Listen to advice but be wise and avoid following someone else’s ideals blindly. Forge your own path in life and be what you are destined to be.

You have been given a mind to reason out right from wrong, You have been given a heart to love and forgive. You have been given a lifetime to shine and be all you can be. You are the navigator of your own life path. Use all the gifts you have been given to make the wiser choices along the way.

Ray Barbier

Random Thoughts 3-16-2015 was originally published on Mind Exposure

One thought on “Random Thoughts 3-16-2015”

  1. Just tonight I blogged about something similar. The choices we have. Thank you for sharing. And Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you found something that blessed you. I will be sharing soon on some more dreams, visions and things I sense the Lord speak to me in quiet times. You also keep up this great work! 🙂 have a great day!

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